This is in response to the who hates the jonas brothers topic. To many ppl aren't saying that they like jonas brothers any more because of that other thread....
*God interupts* But nonconformist that other thread is making the world a btr place.
PS. Im hoping to god there will be no one answering "i dont hate them" under here.... cuz i really really hate them. =)
They're probably the 2nd worst band I've ever listened to. 3rd worst at best (did that make any sense?) My sister is obsessed with them so I know more about them than I should. Every time she blasts one of their songs, I just want to kill myself. There's also more Facebook groups that say they suck than groups that say they are awesome, which made me lol when I found that out.
Hahaha I thought this thread would be full of people defending the Jonas Brothers. I am glad to know I would willfully add all of you to my friends lists.