This is in response to the who hates the jonas brothers topic. To many ppl aren't saying that they like jonas brothers any more because of that other thread....
*God interupts* But nonconformist that other thread is making the world a btr place.
PS. Im hoping to god there will be no one answering "i dont hate them" under here.... cuz i really really hate them. =)
How many people actually like them? They're an awful band with no talent.
i am with you for this they are just commercial nonsense that some pop mogul has created to p**s us all off!!!! Sorry for my last post something went wrong on my computer and i didnt get a chance to finish what i wanted to say.
Also, considering the Jonas Brothers probably have a fanbase of younger female tweens/teens (8-14 years old),who probably can't drive and don't have enough money to buy concert tickets or cd's, how did the Jonas Brothers get so big (or how did they get so well known or heard of)in the first place? Compared to other Disney stars (except Hanna Montana) they're name is well know with people outside their target audience. To me that makes it seem that they have a little more talent then your general Disney Star because although Disney can easily promote all of it's Stars, Jonas is one of few out of the bunch to become so big (well known or heard of).
Or because their parent/older sybling has to buy a ticket so they can get in, get the kid, stay with them and make sure their safe, then leave. So a good chunk of the ticket sales are from people who dont nessasarily want to be their...
It's obviouse there are just another leech on society created by those idiots at Disney. Basically everyone knows that Disney turns all of their "semi-stars"...If they are even that... into ridiculosly awful pop stars like Hannah Montana....uggghhh.... Honestly, Disney has gotten waaaaaay out of hand, they will do anything for money even banking on sold out losers who just happen to be brave enough to be on stage. And don't even get me started on songs now-a-days, people use so much computization in their songs it might as well be the computer singing not them, they don't have any talent... And they Never will...
Or because their parent/older sybling has to buy a ticket so they can get in, get the kid, stay with them and make sure their safe, then leave. So a good chunk of the ticket sales are from people who dont nessasarily want to be their...
True, I should have mentioned that. It does give a lot more for the they dont have much talent side and or that their really good, wealthy, promoters (Disney) have basically given them their fame.