Not a fail Going out to dinner requires much MORE work than cooking a steak in a NU WAVE oven, you know, those ones with the infomercials =P You've got to drive their, order, wait, eat, tip, drive home.
Right, but you have to get up off your butt, pick up the phone, call the number, set up the oven, drive out to buy the steak, pay for the steak, take the steak home, and then make sure you get the settings right on the oven so your steak doesn't suck. >.>
I can't believe we're debating this, lol.
It seems to me collecting, displaying, and assembling and dissasembling are all quite similair...and are you telling me people would display, dissasemble, and assemble guns if they weren't used to kill? It is the glorification of killing.
urm, they're different. . . .
Assembling and disassembling go hand-in-hand, but the rest are different. . . .
It is not the glorification of killing, it is the glorification of guns. And guns are not equal to killing.
"Injuries and Deaths Due to Firearms in the Home," a study done in 1998, concluded that 45% of murders were committed in homes with guns in them.
Guns in them =/= used a gun.
Also, guns don't encourage killing! Guns are just guns. Objects can't encourage you to do something. They don't have little mouths and little brains to store little words to whisper little messages in your ear. They. Just. Don't.
Shelby County, Tennessee and King County, Washington say that 50% of all victims were killed by guns.
That falls severely short of proving the statement we're currently debating, 'guns are used solely for killing.'
There is no factual evidence that guns have no use other than killing.
ALSO, that's only TWO PLACES. Guns exist across the whole WORLD, dude.
Unless you can buy a genie lamp and magically change fact, you simply can't provide a shred of support for your point. You're the one with the burden of proof right now, so carry that weeeeiiiiiighttttt. . . .
*hums Beatles tune*
Neither of those things are used to kill as often as guns.
but they're as, or even more, dangerous than guns.
Suicide is the leading cause of death within one year after purchasing a gun.
Probably because a lot of people who are hell-bent (hur hur hur) on committing suicide would use a gun, because they're the most commercialized weapons currently available.
That hardly seems like heavy regulation.
I may have been exaggerating a bit, lol.
But not legally brought into the school. Because having guns in schools is illegal. That's why people shoot up schools. Had one of the teachers been armed, the whole thing could have been stopped.
The whole also could've been stopped if the nutter wasn't allowed to have a gun in the first place, which is *much* lower risk then allowing everyone to tote guns everywhere. It's simply not sensible.