Well in many songs, movies, games and everything you see great nationalism for America. I kinda think it's stupid to use amerifcanism if you intend to spread your thing trhoughout the whole world. For example bands/singers we all over the world listen to, have a few songs about america, and how great it is. Well, I don't think America is all that good, maybe its also part of my own nationalism, but I actually always prefer speaking english on stuff I intend International. If you say your country is good, Will you make friends with that?
Just was wondering how people thought about this (I also want to hear some from some americans)
Jesus ppl keep this a civil discussion... At first about chinese hailing russians.. It's not rational to do so... kepe it to hailing yourself otherwise you're not thinking rational. secondly this was about americanism in songs, movies, films etc.
I'm American I don't really like America on an international level. I like living here, but the actions we've taken and the way people think of us because of those actions is negative to me. I hate country and American pride songs, although I'm still proud of people like Veterans who have fought for the country, even if the people they're forced to fight aren't necessarily the ones we need to be fighting. Pretty much? I'm not a "Patriot" as people think of them today, but I don't hate America. There's a possibility for balance that most people outside of America don't really seem to realize exists, and even some in America don't think it can exist
I've always had a problem with the American antional anthem, it glorifies war and violence. The most emphasized parts? "And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air"
I've always had a problem with the American antional anthem, it glorifies war and violence. The most emphasized parts? "And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air"
the song was wrote after a battle back in like late 1700s, and its talking about how our flag still stood after everything. Im not sure but im guessing the rockets red glare, and bombs were fireworks
I'm American I don't really like America on an international level.
Holy Christ! It's like I just found sasquatch! I mean, I knew not veryone out there was some stars n' stripes redneck with four shotguns under his pillow, but to have someone actually understand that their country has done wrong, and admit it, is pretty impressive. I mean, I'm proud to say I'm a Russian, (a hard thing to be with all the stereotypes, I should say.) but I can tell you we weren't perfect. I mean, we f'd up some stuff pretty bad, but we always tried to fix it.
I've always had a problem with the American antional anthem, it glorifies war and violence. The most emphasized parts? "And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air"
Ours isn't much better:
May he sedition hush And like a torrent rush Rebellious Scots to crush God save the King
^^^ God save the Queen/king.
Pesky Scots *waves fist*
It annoys me when America is glorified somehwat especially when it is very random to do so. I find in some NFS games American cars can be put above their station and things like that. Glorification is kinda weird especially coming from reasonably self-depricating countries (at times).