ForumsWEPRShould we be more stricter on people who murder people on purpose?

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22 posts

ok this is a big thing hears the deal whut do you want to hapin to a person that kills one of your family member would you want them to stay in prison for life like what it is now where prisons is overflowing becase of this or would you like to have them exicutid becase they took a life so should theres be taken too???

  • 110 Replies
349 posts

i think prison is the better choice, Cause killing them its just an instant thing and i think its worse off to be in a locked up in a cell just rotting away for your whole life

1,778 posts

I gotta say a murderer doesn't need to die, (theres been enough bloodshed as it is...) but a harsher prison should be made. Most prisons are full of nice staff, cozy beddings, three hot meals a day plus desert...and the prisoners don't get charged a cent. For a lot of people, going to jail is a plus.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Well...I started a death penalty thread a few weeks ago...that might help...I still suport the death penalty!

4,097 posts

I believe that the death penalty needs to be used more often. Basically, if someone has a life sentence and there's no chance of them getting out, they might as well be killed. It's not like they don't deserve it, because any crime that lands you life in prison is pretty bad.

Then there's people who didn't do it, and are still in jail, but life in prison shouldn't be given if there's a chance that the person didn't do it, anyway.

3,722 posts

Jesus Christ learn to spell.

And, I think that every person who murders intentionally should receive the death penalty.

66 posts

I gotta say a murderer doesn't need to die, (theres been enough bloodshed as it is...) but a harsher prison should be made. Most prisons are full of nice staff, cozy beddings, three hot meals a day plus desert...and the prisoners don't get charged a cent. For a lot of people, going to jail is a plus.

Have you ever been in jail/known someone personally that's been in there? You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Even the minor jails aren't that nice.

How I see it, is if you do something, it should be done to you. If you kill, you should be killed. If you assault, you should be assaulted. This goes for any law really. That's just how I see it.
4,536 posts

For the love of God, if you expect to get really serious response, learn to spell.

Anyway, I pretty much believe in an eye for an eye type of system. Y'know, death for a death, rape for rape (Life in prison :P). So yeah, I think we should be moar strcter on merderers.

262 posts

This thread was under "Death Penalty - For or Against", where the last post was posted just 2 days ago.

However, I will reiterate what I posted on there 2 days ago.

I found an article a few days ago about an innocent person put to death. The article is a long article, but definitely worth the read.
Link to article is HERE.

It's for reasons such as the above article that I don't believe in the death penalty. The problem with sentencing someone to death is that the above type of scenario has happened at least 14 times since 1976 when the death penalty was reinstated (innocence found through DNA testing after their death) until we find a better way of processing evidence and records, the death penalty should be banned or abolished. How many innocent people have to be killed before that is understood?
BTW - I believe there have been more then the 14 innocent people stated above ...those 14 case just happened to have evidence from the crime scene still "sound" enough to perform DNA testing on.

Morally, how can we condone killing a person when that's the reason they are being killed? Does it show that WE are valuing life? NO, therefore why should we expect them to? Murder for murder is not the way to teach right from wrong.

Financially, it's more expensive to keep someone on death row then it is to keep a person incarcerated for life, so that argument goes down the tubes.

What IS the justification of sentencing someone to death? An eye for an eye? Is that the society we want to live in?

1,778 posts

Have you ever been in jail/known someone personally that's been in there? You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Even the minor jails aren't that nice.

Yeah, actually, I do know someone. And I do have an idea what I'm talking about. I don't know what kind of jails you're thinking of, but the legitimate ones follow the standards I mentioned to a tee. By order of the government.
25 posts

Think about it from a prison guard's standpoint: You are one of the unfortunate guards that specializes in transporting prisoners in a maximum security prison. For many of these prisoners, the only entertainment is contraband or crafting weapons. Now - imagine a spatula, a metal spatula, missing from the kitchen. One of the prisoners possibly have it. Prisoners have formed weapons out of such as: razors, toothbrushes, even plastic bottles (heat it, form a point, cool it, repeat until sharp). Prisoners have also been known to make biological weapons, such as combining fecees and urine for long periods of time, then throwing it in the guard's face when he opens the prisoner's cover for being handcuffed (for transport). Being "Gassed", as it is called by guards, can lead to getting hepatitus and AIDS very easily.
I think that people that murder multiple people, and plan it, should be executed. No matter how secure a prison is, there will always be prisoner/guard and prisoner/prisoner contact.
Think about it from the standpoint of the victim's mother. Your child was on her way to visit your house, but had to walk because her car was in for repairs. She goes down the wrong alley, and gets sexually assaulted. After those deeds are done, she is strangled to death.

Finally, why would one think it is unfair to execute people that brutally murdered people? Lethal injection kills a full adult in 1 minutes, 30 seconds. Almost painlessly. Whereas, many of the prisoners, can, AND DO, torture thier victims to death.

1,287 posts

All I'm going to say issssss: we already are MORE stricter on people who pre-plan and MERDER on PERPOUS.

5,579 posts

Lethal injection kills a full adult in 1 minutes, 30 seconds.

7 and a half minutes actually. At least here in Texas.

Learn to spell. It hurts just looking at your title >>.<<
8,051 posts

that the above type of scenario has happened at least 14 times since 1976

since 1976. do you realise how small a % that would be?! granted no system is perfect it's still pretty good. do you want civilian casualties in a war? no, but they happen anyway

Murder for murder is not the way to teach right from wrong.

2 scenerios
you slap someone and are just put in time out.
the likelihood of you slapping someone may be increased by getting mad. you might become stubborn.

you slap someone and are slapped back.
you realise: hey that hurt, now i know how wrong i was.
890 posts

I think it depends. Torture should definintely be punished with death, Mass murder with death, preplanned murder with death.

But if the murder was not preplanned, I think it should be prison for life.

I am not relating this to my opinion with death and whatnot, but there was a guy who got put in prison for life for 3 murders. None of which were preplanned. It turns out the man had an illness in which caused him to have sudden short bursts of adrenaline which he could not control. Like I said, it doesn't affect my opinion with death sentences, but it is an interesting story.

755 posts

you slap someone and are slapped back.
you realise: hey that hurt, now i know how wrong i was.

or you slap him back again to hurt him more. than he kicks you, you punch him, he stabs you, you shoot him.

escalation of violence is a very common phenomenom
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