ok this is a big thing hears the deal whut do you want to hapin to a person that kills one of your family member would you want them to stay in prison for life like what it is now where prisons is overflowing becase of this or would you like to have them exicutid becase they took a life so should theres be taken too???
Wistress, if that's true, then I say that people should be given death penalty if they can prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the person is guilty, that he/she committed that crime. Others, if they aren't very sure at all, then DP should be prohibited.
Here's more reality: It costs money to put people in jail, even more to put people in jail for life. As blunt and brutal as it is, it costs less to execute people than it is to hold them in a prison. When there are too many people in a prison, there is yet even more money involved to build more prisons.
Execution is the best choice, not only did the kill another human being but keeping them in prison fro life is virtually paying for them to kill someone, its a waste of taxpayer money and space in out prisons.
Here's more reality: It costs money to put people in jail, even more to put people in jail for life. As blunt and brutal as it is, it costs less to execute people than it is to hold them in a prison. When there are too many people in a prison, there is yet even more money involved to build more prisons.
Where are you people getting your "facts" from? It is fact that it cost us (well, me, and anyone else that works), as taxpayers, as much as 4 times the amount to keep someone in the capital punishment system and subsequent death penalty phase then it does to keep someone in for life. Perhaps when some of you people start getting 1/3 of your pay check taken out in taxes, you'll understand the facts ... not the BS sprung on all the forums. I have already stated that it cost substantially less to keep someone in prison for life. That has been fact for many years now.
idealism - it shouldn't be there because there's a chance for killing the wrong person
There's not a chance it will happen, it HAS happened, it IS happening, and it WILL continue to happen ... how much more real can a statement be? NOT idealism at all, it's plain realism because it's fact.
iâ...deâ...alâ...ismââ[ahy-dee-uh-liz-uhm] â"noun 1.the cherishing or pursuit of high or noble principles, purposes, goals, etc. 2.the practice of idealizing. 3.something idealized; an ideal representation. 4.Fine Arts. treatment of subject matter in a work of art in which a mental conception of beauty or form is stressed, characterized usually by the selection of particular features of various models and their combination into a whole according to a standard of perfection.
Philosophy. a.any system or theory that maintains that the real is of the nature of thought or that the object of external perception consists of ideas. b.the tendency to represent things in an ideal form, or as they might or should be rather than as they are, with emphasis on values.
here ya go.
people also WILL get AIDS. seems to you that a probability means it WILL happen. throw some quantum physics in there and i think you'll second guess.
throw some quantum physics in there and i think you'll second guess.
i see no relation between quantum physics and the judical system.
seems to you that a probability means it WILL happen.
if the probability of an event is unequal 0(which by definition implies it is higher), it is certain, that at some point, the event will happen. the only question is, how long will it take to happen and how often will it be.
for me the chance and the fact that innocent people died because of the death penalty makes it unacceptable to maintain that system. we cannot uphold a punishment that needs such a sacrifice.
i see no relation between quantum physics and the judical system.
i wasn't relating it to the judicial, i was meaning there's a chance for just about anything
for me the chance and the fact that innocent people died because of the death penalty makes it unacceptable to maintain that system. we cannot uphold a punishment that needs such a sacrifice.
er... if your blood is in contact with someone w/ it, you drink like 6 gallons of saliva from that person, and through sex. AIDS started out as 'the homo disease'
er... if your blood is in contact with someone w/ it, you drink like 6 gallons of saliva from that person, and through sex. AIDS started out as 'the homo disease'