This contest is... (all rights reserved by respective owner...)
How this works is, be has gay has possible on here, and not get banned. On the 30th, I will judge all the comments on here, and then judge everyone.
The rules of this contest are has follows:
1- No spamming 2- Can only be done in this thread 3- Be gay has possible, without getting banned 4- Do what ever you can do, to be has gay has possible 5- Pictures are Okay, has long has they don't break the rules 6- NO CYBERING! NO ABSOLUTELY NO! 7- Can post in here has many times has you want, but only the most current post will get judged.
(Note: I will try to get a mod to give someone a merit if they win... though I personally believe merits are dumb, and take away from the competition... but hey, this might give some people an incentive to play)
Ugh, the wallth on thith thread totally need to be repainted . . . maybe a more thoulful beige? You have to expreth youthelf through your paint color, and I-am-NOT feeling anything there, mmm-mmm.
Altho, you need to make better fabric choithes. That polyethter cummerbund is NOT BREATHING, HELLL-OOOOOOO!?
Oh, and your belt buckle is lopsided. Lemme adjust it.
Like, oh my god, so I was like, heading over to the YMCA (ooh, dirty me!) when I came across the most gorgeous, yummy guy I had ever seen! So I went up to him, and he was like, totally married. I mean, I felt, like, so totally disappointed and all; so then, I just when home and cried.
Now my other attempt, directed at. . . no one in particular. And I'm just joking mods XD _________________________________________________________________________________________
Me: Get your free ass passes! Get your free ass passes!
come on, I know more of ya wanna post in here! Don't be afraid, There's nothing you can do that can't be done. Nothing you can sing that can't be sung. Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game It's easy. There's nothing you can make that can't be made. No one you can save that can't be saved. Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time - It's easy.
Haaaaaaay guyz! My Alt, you just have the most fabulous accent I have ever heard! So, what do we want to try on first... The spandex... or the leather?