ForumsWEPRObamas tax hikes, bailouts, and speech.

41 5831
27 posts

A day or two ago president Obama brought forth to the students in this schools nations a speech, concieved in Political messeges, and dedicated to the his health"care" propaganda that all people's amount of money should be equal.

Now we are enganged in a great partisan war, testing whether that propaganda, or any liberal propaganda, so concieved and so subtle, can long be given to the naive children. We are met on the great political battlefield of healthcare, political, and economic reform. We have come to dedicate a great portion of our time protesting at town hall meetings with tea parties, and protesting in front of bank-owned buildings for those who gave their hard earned money so that AIG and other banks' executives could live in a life of personal luxury. It is altogether fitting and proper that we oppose Obama's healthcare and bailouts for the good of the hardworkin' taxpayin' godfearin' patriots in this nation.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot attempt to allow huge tax hikes in a time of great financial difficulties. The families of this nation, on Main Street or Wall Street or Unpaved street, who struggle constantly in this nation, are going to be hit much harder with these tax hikes than any of us could imagine. The nation will greatly note, and will long remember our fight to endure the security of our general welfare and our hard earned money, and to endure free enterprise in this nation.

It is for us today to oppose the tax hike and healthcare plan and the presidents propaganda speeches so that our future generations can prosper, and that our economy outlined by the Founding Father's, is dedicated to the great task remaining before us-that from the honored founders we take increased devotion to that cause for which they so valiantly fought their high-taxing king, and so that their work has not died in vain- and that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of economic freedom from the government for the people, by the people, and of the people shall not have perished from the Earth.

Please, share any criticism you have of the tea party protesters and those who fight for their right to sell what they want without the government stealing their money to give to the banks.

  • 41 Replies
5,579 posts

9/8/09 was school speech

Not what I meant. 'One or two days ago' is not acceptable, even for a troll.

When do I get my shiny merit? XD
27 posts

TSL3, I thought you'd support me, seeing as how most of this is based off what I read from YOUR posts.

8,051 posts

you can read whatever you want and there will be a troll's interpretation coming from your posts.

27 posts

Its funny, because ya'll niggas postin a troll thread.

why arn't you IP banned yet?
5,579 posts

TSL3, I thought you'd support me, seeing as how most of this is based off what I read from YOUR posts.

Oh god not again >>.<<

I now see the truth. I am far more respected, known, and famous than I would have ever thought.

Trolls knocking on my door,
Knocks me straight to the floor.
All respect for sanity,
Gone for loads of vanity.

In the blood of murder tree,
All call down to torture me.
Once the mind has warped its' tricks,
I hear far to many clicks.

Once I thought I was alone,
Now I know many moan.
Once I knew only World Events,
Now I trade in simple repentance.

Once my mind travels many planes,
I know far to many fames.
Into the void my blood rages,
To all the trolls must be purges.

My insanity palpable,
My ego is quite fallible.
My life knows no bounds,
All the targeting on poor grounds.

I see blood take my brain,
As the trolls drive me insane.
I always went to the world,
Now I lay blind and curled.

In my conscious I hear the groans,
As they shape me with a comb.
They make me go outta control,
All for a pathetic lol.

As I lay blind and buried,
I scream with all my fury.
My wrath sees no bounds,
As you hear your last sounds.

I break you,
Burn you,
You fake me,
I kill you.

As I drive you with plight,
I cut out all your sight.
I slice the word spitter,
And with it litter.

You have gone enough,
I am now tough.
As you fear me,
I shatter your knee.

In the end you see nothing,
And I become something.
All will see my wrath,
As you travel down the dark path.

At least you triggered my creative spark. You have taken some of my basic ideologues, and twisted and turned them. I am an extremist, yes, but I don't see that way. This fails majorly.
9 posts

The bailouts were indeed a failed attempt by the government to help banks that didn't deserve it and would obviously misuse it. Shame on Obama for voting for them.

5,579 posts

By the way 420, my poem was directed at you.

I wonder if Obama can do me a favor and hang you for treason.

Probably not. He doesn't give a shiz about the little people.

9 posts

I wonder if Obama can do me a favor and hang you for treason.

Probably not. He doesn't give a shiz about the little people.

As stated in the constitution which was written by our brave and courageous founding fathers, we have free speech in this nation.
5,579 posts

As stated in the constitution which was written by our brave and courageous founding fathers, we have free speech in this nation.

They're only mistake. . . . *mumbles in deep disliking of 'free speech'*

If you really are Ron Paul, then you are now Ronny to me. Also, pleasure speaking to you. Can you please provide Houston with a few million in road repairs? I live here and our roads are pretty crappy. I'm sure you'd know.

I dislike politicians by the way. I'm a hyperconservative anarchist. And a chief debater on here. Please, give me your statesmen debating, and we'll see who wins.

And about Alt, he'll crush you. He's 12 :P And a friend of mine. We're the kings of debating here, along with a few others. We'll see who wins
9 posts

Can you please provide Houston with a few million in road repairs? I live here and our roads are pretty crappy. I'm sure you'd know.

then get a job and pay for it stupid hippy
5,579 posts

Anarchy implies no laws.
If you think free speech should be illegal and believe in the faith in and respect of the government being more important than freedom, you're probably the opposite of an anarchist.

Suppression never had to be a law. And I never said illegal -.-

Wrong type of anarchy by the way.

Treason, you say? You mean like "burn the church and the state"?

No, bacause I hate you and I would like the government to castrate you.

Just stating my 'right to free speech'. If this were my country I'd hang you. And then I'd have myself hanged. And then I'd have everyone who spoke out against my phantom form hanged.

So you're saying that I drove you insane over the internet, and that I'm sad for it?
Dude. You went insane over someone over the internet.


I hear misinterpretation clicking. You've never read poetry have yo-- Wait, you're not intelligent enough to. What am I saying.

You, are devoid of the rules. I can troll you all I want :P

I think.
5,579 posts

then get a job and pay for it stupid hippy

Proof of point. You're not Ronnie Paul.
8,051 posts

then get a job and pay for it stupid hippy

infrastructure is paid in taxes. stupid troll
588 posts

Yeah, I remember TSl3 getting insane over someone on the internet.
You know, that time you kept swearing at that one guy and putting him on your "fuck you" list.

9 posts

Anarchy is based on the flawed ideology that humans are angels. They are not.

Without government, there would be no law, no preventing people from doing what they want. How could you travel when no one could protect your stuff?

With anarchy, you get riots and guerilla groups fighting in the streets and violence. And then the majority will seek to end that, by going to the people who can create a government, no matter what type, democracy or dictatorship.

It happened in Cuba and it happened in the USSR.

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