ForumsWEPRReligion's Creation

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There are two really prominent faiths that are &quoticked on" by lots of people: Mormonism and Scientology. Many people believe that it's because these faiths present ridiculous arguments are ideals, but I would like to suggest an alternative.
With both of these faiths, people were able to watch the religion actually being created. We have enough evidence to show the motivations behind the creators and to understand why the religion itself advanced. All religion is really quite ridiculous when you look at it; is an evil space alien controlling the galaxy or Jesus appearing in America really that silly compared to a magical creature that doesn't have to follow physical laws but gets to physically interact with the universe?
Looking at these different religions at face value, they're all incredibly silly - we just have the ability to critically analyze recent faiths like Mormonism and Scientology. If people turned this critique inward, I think more people would realize how improbable and silly belief in a god is. Thoughts?

  • 98 Replies
266 posts

Depends on who you ask. Some people believe when you die, you instantly either go to heaven or hell. Some people believe that when you die, your soul does not rise up until Armageddon, then you will be judged. Personally, I think people will have a punishment if they lived a wrong life, but I doubt it will be 'eternal buring in a pit of flame'.

5,001 posts

Well, guys. Religion and morally are related, but in no way is morality dependent on religion. You do not need religion to have a moral society. I think having a Godless nation with logical and rational morality would be optimal. Religion is very primitive to me. It's the way the humans used to have an answer to a lot of "whats" and "whys." Sciences and new ways of thinking may not cover them all, but it's doing a lot better job than a religion with God.

3,675 posts

People should be able to make decent choices based only on the fact that they are sentient. I am sure religion helps some people, but really now. I doubt that without religion the rates of murders, r.apes and the such would go up all that much. It is already a pretty high level as it is...

266 posts

But you see, morals has to do with religion, but nothing to do with evolution. How does evolution work? By survival of the fittest - i.e. the strongest survive, and the weakest die. By that philosophy, when did humans suddenly develop a conscience? At what point in time did people just decide that it is wrong to kill someone and take what they have, to benefit yourself?

1,492 posts

Look, The way I see it is you partly do need religion to have a moral society. An atheist does a little of how an Animal would live its life, Eat, Hunt, Sleep, and enjoy. Survival of the fittest in the end. Therefor, someone growing up into that concept would have NO morals. They'll say whatever they want, as long as their society likes it. They can do whatever they want, as long as their parents don't think its outright.

I just think, Religion is a guide for people, to show that their the lesser part of something giant.
Also, back when everything was primitive, I don't think your motive of primitive works. Because if its so outright and primitive, then why didn't we leave it as we became "Civilized"? It seemed to be a holy part of our lives. If it was false, and people just made up gossip and spread it, I'm pretty sure skeptics would slap the man in the face. And if it is so false, then how comes its been passed down for so long? Its proof that it HAD to have come from somewhere. You can date the bible back as the first book printed.
Also, Devoidless, if you don't know whats right or wrong... Their goes your being able to make "Decent" choices. You could think that r.ape is totally fine, the girl might not like it but whipee for you. [I think you've got a problem] :P Also, you can't give statistics of murders and such. Those will allways be. There are desperate people and derranged ones. But I'm sure society could grow better with it. Obviously, nowadays I could probably point to a school and say half the kids inside are wanna-be gansgsters. I probably wouldn't be lying.

If Humans were evolved like everything else, then we should have ended up just as stupid as we are. I'm not against another religions belief, but I am up against another religion either saying its better than others. I'm also up against attack on religion. Most of all I really hate people that snatch money as a part of a religion. [For example, Some Preists + Pastors are EXTREMELY rich. [Like, own a jet and island, rich]]

266 posts

Wow, I think that comment deserves a merit Armed_Blade haha. And I know a few rich pastors who you might be talking about... *cough* Creflo Dollar *hack*

902 posts

^Your last point is why I don't go to church and am fighting to bring people out of it. We will rise against the oppressive shackles the organized churches have slapped on us, and someday, we, as Christians, will all cut ourselves free.

1,492 posts

Well, I've heard one of them has a 22 Thousand Dollar Toilet. Thats as scary as it can get.

Yeah, Organized religion stinks. I still go to my mosques though, they work differently than churches. XD

Lol, I laughed at the stupidest thing. I wondered, "Shouldn't he have put "Amen" at the end of that?".

Not being evil to the word, just, over the years you hear people say it differently. XD

266 posts

Haha yeah Megamickel sounded very heroic in that last post. I've heard of that very expensive toliet, and I wonder - why have such an expensive thing be a toliet? All you do in it is... well, you know.

1,492 posts

Its apparently made with lavish marble, gold carvings, jewels, and the pipes inside are some of the best metals. Even platinum edges.

[Would be funny if he invited a guess and sadly someone with bad aim used it].

He'd be like "ARGH! Now I have to spend 2000 just to clean it. "

3,827 posts

What is it to become "civilized" as Armed_Blade mentioned? Civilization occurred with early humans learning tools and techniques that allowed them to stay in one place - such as farming, pottery, and eventually animal herding.
If you consider an early human unit, it would be more or less a pack and there are certain "morals" which would be idiotic to break. These would include killing someone or taking food from someone else - both of which would likely get you killed or ostracized.
Is it so hard to see this applied to a larger group of people (say 50 - 100) that are all living together and share one common goal: Survival.
I think Christianity's survival for this long is really irrelevant to it's truth. In fact, it would be incredibly difficult to even recognize early Christianity from modern standards (check out Gnosticism). Christianity has no defined moral code that has been consistent throughout time, the only thing remotely recognizable is the concept that Jesus was a messiah, as opposed to just a prophet.
My point in making this thread was for people to consider what might change if we could actually have enough information to understand the early formation and evolution of this thing that we now call Christianity - or really any religion for that matter.
Do you really think there were no moral standards before the 10 commandments? And consider why certain things are wrong across the board - especially murder and theft.
Looking at the evidence in this way, it seems even more clear to me now than ever before that moral standards were incorporated into religion during the earliest teachings. To try to give reasons as to religion's creation, however, would really be giving our capacity for understanding way too much credit.

26 posts

I believe that, people should be able to just decide what they want to believe in without others bothering them over it.

266 posts

The thing is, when most people make a point about how Christianity did this, or Christianity did that, it is not real Christianity. Catholics are not really Christians, and there are many other so-called 'Christian' religions out there, that do not even follow the standards of the Bible.

3,827 posts

Whoa, Catholicism and Greek Orthodox are the "standard" now - everything else is just from the Protestant Reformation, no?

1,192 posts

What do you mean that Catholics don't follow the standards of the Bible. Catholic is a denomination of Chrstianity, and the whole Christianity religion follows the standards of the Bible. Do I have my facts stright or am I wrong?

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