ForumsWEPRThe Stupidity of the Bible

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Lets get an input from Philosoraptor on this

And if I may contribute...
Noahs ark

  • 174 Replies
69 posts

I'm sorry I spelled "omniscient" wrong. Had to correct myself lol

2,417 posts

Anyway it doesn't make logical sense he made earth in 6 days.

Meant to comment on this earilier, but what is logical to you? Billions upon billions of years? Can anyone even fathom that amount of time?
1,251 posts

We honestly cannot under stand God's logic and God's reality, he is the only one who experiences them. So, his reality could mean one day is a million years or one day as one rotation of the Earth, no one knows God's logic and God's reality, so therefore we can't make the assumption that one day for God is one day for us.

Ok, but did God tell the people who wrote the bible what to write?

Like I said earlier, if the answer is yes... which most Christians think, than he told them that he created the Earth in 6 days... So again I'll say it.... Did God really tell the men who wrote the bible what to write? You have to get rid of one of those two arguments just so you don't contradict yourself.
1,251 posts

God did not specify if it was a human day or a God day, in a matter of speaking. He didn't 'specify'? So then what other things didn't he specify? I guess he didn't specify if gays go to hell or not since there is a lot of debate on that. Seriously, the excuse that god did not specify is probably the lamest excuse I've heard trying to defend "God"...
104 posts
Nomad says in the bible that created the heavens and the earth in 6 days....where did you get that he created the universe in 6 days?

1,633 posts


Yeah he is kinda vague on his rules..

humans wrote the bible and therefor most people think that a day=24 hours. The first 5 books were written by Abraham right?

410 posts

Ok, but did God tell the people who wrote the bible what to write?

Like I said earlier, if the answer is yes... which most Christians think, than he told them that he created the Earth in 6 days... So again I'll say it.... Did God really tell the men who wrote the bible what to write? You have to get rid of one of those two arguments just so you don't contradict yourself.

Well, maybe it was because he knew the problems that would happen if he just made the knowledge of space, time, and physics completely understandable to someone with a bronze age understanding of the world. Or maybe he gave him the Spark Notes version and thats the part that survived.

Or maybe he gave the Spark Notes version because he wanted us to think and figure it out on ourselves. Whats the fun to having all the answers just given to you anyway? The fun's in trying to figure things out and the pursuit of knowledge and new discoveries. That feeling of Eureka when that moment of comprehension dawns on you.

But then again, I am trying to rationalize the actions of a being uncomprehendable. And then I'm also trying to rationalize it to people who don't believe in it anyway.

We also don't know what we don't know. Maybe God did give a great explanation for how he made the universe to man. That was an awfully long time ago, and could have been lost to history, or we just havent found the documents. There were lots of books kept out of the Bible during the council of Nicea, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were just found relatively recently. For all any of us know, the answers are out there and it's just lost. But like I said, we don't know what we don't know. We can't to an extant.
9,821 posts

Meant to comment on this earilier, but what is logical to you? Billions upon billions of years? Can anyone even fathom that amount of time?

Yes it's logical, because it's been researched scientifically and a theory was made. 6 days is not logical because for the many things that allow life on Earth (the magnetic field, stuff like that) simply could not have formed within 6 days. It's not scientifically sound, and therefore not logical.
9,462 posts

In our thoughts, God made the Earth in 6 days, rested on the seventh. TO US, that's probably a week. TO HIM, it could be millions of years. God may or may not have a different definition of a day then to us.

Again you have failed to answer my question only to restate the same thing. I will ask one more time. If god had us make the bible for us to understand then why would he use a definition of a day that only he could understand but not us?

Actually non of my question have been answered but this statement keeps popping up here.

This is so pointless, I've told you the answer MULTIPLE times and yet you keep being so god **** close minded. YOU CAN'T WIN A DEBATE WHEN YOU ARE CLOSE MINDED.

Do you mean open minded as in we should take something as fact even if there is no evidence to support it?

Exactly. There are two logics and two realities we are dealing with here. There is our own logic what we think cannot e broken and here is our reality we experience everyday.

What? Your making no sense.

God did not specify if it was a human day or a God day, in a matter of speaking.

This is a pretty lame argument. So your saying god didn't do a very good job at conveying his knowledge to us through the Bible?
248 posts

Drace wat religion r u?Me i dont read the bible but Qua'Ran

3,550 posts

The Bible is a metaphor.


217 posts

well he may have looked back on it and than said it took 6 days

9,462 posts

I will make this statement that everyone will agree with. Agnostics always win these battles, there honestly isn't a way you can prove or disprove the existence of God or "gods" with out proof from the God itself. Of course the Bible was written by man, who we Christians thought were inspired to write it from God. There's the snag, we don't know if he did or not. To us Christians he did, to you atheists they were just crazy people. We don't know that's why all religion is based on faith.

There honestly isn't an answer I can give you UNLESS its related to the Bible, which most of you think is false.

When you get down to it wanting proof is really all an atheist asks for. If a person can't back up what they are claiming then what is there to believe in? If this is the standard we are to use then we can make up anything we like and just and if we did would having faith make it true? This is really at the heart of the problem with all religion.

Given you said you couldn't give an answer unless it's related to the Bible, is there an answer in the Bible as to why god would have us create a book for us to understand then use a definition that only he could understand?

Oh, for the record I don't think the people who wrote the Bible were necessarily crazy.

With most religions it would seem was an attempt by ancient people to understand the world around them. Lacking the ability to know what they were looking at they began to make up stories to explain the processes going on before them. Other times religions were developed as a means to control a group of people. We see this occur even today so it would stand to reason it would be used then as well.
1,098 posts

im not a super christian here,but if you find the bible dumb,please think of it as a lousy storybook and not a piece of crap christians wrote

3,550 posts

Sam, I love your one-sided argument, it just...fascinating how someone can honestly make a statement like that and still be good at debating if they don't think with an open mind.
And honestly you aren't good at debating either.

Why thank you! I ain't that good at debating, I know that.

But I mean seriously, how can you take anything that is mentioned in the bible that seriously? Half of it is a huge metaphor. Yes, god made the universe in 6 days. How can you argue that on science, when He is God? God doesn't play by the rules of science. Duh.
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