Alrighty, I'll just sit here and wait 15 years for the verdict on Global Climate Change
At the moment, it's the best thing we have. All alternate theories have been resoundingly rejected by the unbiased scientific community. That's why I believe it's best to act now on the information available to us, rather than not act at all.
Global warming is a myth? So we just imagined the last few decades of rapid heating? We also just imagined the ocean's level risings? ohh we also imagined the glaciers melting much faster than they should...... wow, not to believe man made global warming is real is one thing, but to bash global warming entirely is ignorant.
You... are SO stupid - if u actually look there are alot of ppl saying that Co2 is what ppl NEED to survive, and if u also look u can see that 186 BILLION TONS of carbon is being generated, but guess what? we only generate 6 Billion, surface life generates 90 Billion and underwater life generates 90 billion too.. so rly, we did make it up, but the only reason GOOD scientists agree is so they get funding - if u look on a Russian News programme they say it could be a minituare ice age... And if u think we're perfect, you're wrong, we fight we kill we don't even live with eachother well, we go on blind faith (the majority), the only ppl who should be alive should be logical ppl who know what they're doing, other than that, trees animals and underwater life. It's simple, the only thing u got to go on is what u think, not know
Oh, and one more thing - it's getting cooler, did u realise last summer? I didn't! This winter has been just as good to us, even better so far - we are NOT having global Warming, it IS a myth - and I proved it right there, look at any scientists site and there u have it...
1) there is evidence that we can hurt the atmosphere, but...
2) there is evidence that this could just be another Ice Age slowly starting, as we are due for one based on the natural and scheduled occurences of Ice Ages in the past.