there are alot of atheists and Christians and threads about these so i thought why not create a muslin thread and another reason why i created this thread is because i was wondering if there were other muslims on ag.
just like the other threads we can talk about anything muslim
This - in my opinion- is quite a good topic, and its a shame that its dormant. I myself am a Shia Muslim from Pakistan. Recently, during Muharram (A holy month of mourning) a procession was bombed, and some of you might have seen it on the news. This just shows how the Muslim Ummah is being split from the inside. How can we improve our images when there is distrust within our own ranks? I think that the major problem nowadays among Muslims is disunity, and once we are unified can we work to improve our international image.... at least thats my opinion.
If you want something changed, you should tell politicians. It is not justified to kill innocent people for no reason. One of the protesters held a "Islam will dominate the world" sign. There should be an equal fair world, where no religion is dominate.
Yes I agree with you completely. One of the teachings of Islam is that there should be no compulsion in religion, and that we should try and convince people to join our religion through clear reasoning."Islam will dominate the world" is a statement that can only be acceptable if the world has been convinced of Islam's merit and not forcefully converted through violence or fear, a tactic being used today, sadly. Every person is born equal as s/he is God's creature. The rights of non-Muslims are guaranteed in Islam, as are methods to interact with them (not violence!)... but sadly there are those who ignore these commands and still call themselves Muslims.
Since this is revived. I actually considered becoming Muslim for a little bit. I was almost read to go to a mosque and accept muhammad brought the word of God. I was going to read the Qur'an and everything. But it was only a phase, and anyways most of my views weren't exactly aligned with Islam, and still aren't. At the moment my views are more aligned with Unitarian Universalist.
I believe in god. I think we all go to heaven if we confess, even at the gate of heaven. But if at the Gate you may go to a sub hell (like jail) for a while. I also hell is only a prison. I thin the people in hell are able to have a second, third try at life. I think life is a test to get into heaven. I don't believe Jesus is the son of god, but I do believe he is a prophet. I honestly believe Muhammad is a prophet. I believe abortion is okay is some cases.
I am very tolerate to homosexuals. I also believe god is becoming or became more tolerant of other sexual orientations.
I honestly think church/mass is optional, not a have too. I also think that prayer is important, but I also think know one has to do it everyday. I mean like once a week. I believe god is in everything, including you and me.
I think porn isn't adultery. I think adultery is only if your partner (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, sex partner, etc) disproves the sex, or relationship (cheating). Example: If both partners wanted to have a threesome, with another man or woman, I won't call it adultery. Another is rape I believe that is the definitely adultery to the extreme. I think god is becoming more tolerant of sex in general.
I believe god just wants us to be happy, and good. That's basically what I can think.
for many things you are right. but saying that God just wants us to be happy doesnt mean you can do what u want. in islam porn is considered adultery as you do know. for example killing ur emeny would make u happy but it isn;t good