there are alot of atheists and Christians and threads about these so i thought why not create a muslin thread and another reason why i created this thread is because i was wondering if there were other muslims on ag.
just like the other threads we can talk about anything muslim
well i doubt muslims are part of draw Muhammad Day (pbuh) and i havedt herd of the teacher thing
They weren't, but a few extremist killed a cartoonist, some things that may be taken as threats were made, and Muslim countries banned face book...
The teacher thing... I will tell this one myself.
Basically a British teacher had her student's vote for the name of the teddy bear out of the students name, or something to that effect, and its name ended up being Muhammad. For naming the teddy bear that, she received prison time and would have been executed if the British government didn't save her...
well the exteamist thing they just put bad impresions on googd muslims
Your missing the point- the entire government saw fit to punish someone for naming a teddy bear Muhammad and banned face book for the "draw Muhammad day". I want to know why, as I have found no verses against it.
well im not sure what the government thinks but its probably to respect our culture if that was threr culture then things mught have ben different
*Bangs head against wall*
Ok. Let me spell it out for you.
1. Teacher names bear Muhammad 2. Teacher gets punished harshly BY THE SUDANESE GOVERNMENT
1. South park can't show non racist picture of Muhammad. 2. "Draw Muhammad day" is inspired 3. Terrorist attack and FACE BOOK BANNED FROM SEVERAL MUSLIM COUNTRIES BY THERE GOVERNMENTS!
That simplifies them.. Now for my question.
1. What passage in the Quaran tells them the can not name/draw pictures of Muhammad?
Oh, it's ok - found a Muslim dude on the street, asked him. I believe that while no references to making depictions of Muhammad are made in the Koran, it is the Hadith that explores the matter - correct?