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ForumsThe Tavern[Necro]If you have a question about girls...

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290 posts

Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D

  • 1,043 Replies
4,097 posts

My view on marriage is that humanity would be much better off without it. I don't believe that humans are meant to stick to one person their entire life. We're social creatures, but I don't like the mentality that marriage is virtually required. The government even favors married couples through tax breaks.

670 posts

yea, but it can be a good thing, when you find that someone, you what to be wit that person forever and no one else, thats how I am right now *sigh, starts daydreaming*

677 posts

Well, to each their own opinion...
But Green--it is possible you might just find someone who strikes your fancy, and then you might be singing a different tune!

4,097 posts

yea, but it can be a good thing, when you find that someone, you what to be wit that person forever and no one else, thats how I am right now *sigh, starts daydreaming*

I suppose that some may find a person that they truly want to be with forever; most just find someone that they can spend a few years with though. One reason divorce rates are so high in the U.S. People get married too early, and realize that the person they "loved" so much before, is changing. I suppose a lot of married couples stick with each other even when things get difficult, but a lot just give it up. If marriage and dating wasn't such a huge part of society, a lot of pain would never exist. After all, nearly every friendship ends in pain. Whether it be a break up, your best friend betrayed you some how, or death.

Personally, I can't see spending my entire life with one person. I need my space, and living with someone that I'm obligated to stay with would be very stressful. The negatives seem to out weight the positives.
4,097 posts

But Green--it is possible you might just find someone who strikes your fancy, and then you might be singing a different tune!

That's true. I wonder if my emotional side will take advantage of my logical when it happens? We'll see. Until then, I stand by my previous opinion xP
1,181 posts

But then you would be committing yourself to one person. Trapped, forever.

Yeah Ol'boy got a point yall.

My view on marriage is that humanity would be much better off without it. I don't believe that humans are meant to stick to one person their entire life. We're social creatures, but I don't like the mentality that marriage is virtually required. The government even favors married couples through tax breaks.

Well that's not really a bad thing taxes come on who doesn't wanna extra few bucks in they taxes...I'm cool with marriage just not now or anytime soon till i decide to mature, and settle down.

yea, but it can be a good thing, when you find that someone, you what to be wit that person forever and no one else, thats how I am right now *sigh, starts daydreaming*

*snaps fingers in face, "Hello! wake up girl"
yeah thats also true.

Well, to each their own opinion...
But Green--it is possible you might just find someone who strikes your fancy, and then you might be singing a different tune!

yep but its the commitment thing I'm turn off on about seeing her is great but everyday, and every night, and all the time is just a bit too much for now. lol
670 posts

*snaps fingers in face, "Hello! wake up girl"
yeah thats also true.

im sry, its just every time I think about him I start day dreaming

yep but its the commitment thing I'm turn off on about seeing her is great but everyday, and every night, and all the time is just a bit too much for now. lol

I wonder if its just a girl thing, I wish I could see my boyfriend everyday and everynight....
1,181 posts

Also...ok when i was still going to regular high school i left the house around 6:00 to walk to my girl house i'd be there till about 8:45 then we'd walk to school together.

her parents both worked night shifts and her dad was like a agent or somthing IDK he left in and out of the country for weeks at a time for his job and her mom worked as a doctor and was always on call from like 3-9 in the morning. And i'd be ther and we'd do thingz adn just chill it was cool being in her house and like i felt like the man of the house like as if we where actually married you know and it was something i was aight with but after a while as a MAN i still need my Spizzace ok.

1,181 posts

im sry, its just every time I think about him I start day dreaming

that's nice Shyla.

I wonder if its just a girl thing, I wish I could see my boyfriend everyday and everynight....

Eventually you will in the future.
157 posts

Well personally, I'm getting to the point where I'm looking forward to marriage. And no, I'm not going to rush into it, like so many other couples do (like what you said, Green, about the high divorce rates). Going into a life-long commitment should take a lot of time invested into it, to make sure that you'll be completely compatible with the other person.

Why do couples that stay together for 30, 40, 50+ years still stay together? Often times they'll say it's because they married their best friend, not just because of a reason like physical attraction or convenience. Compatibility (not something like "Oh cool! She's hot and we both like to watch football!&quot seems to be a key factor in a lasting marriage.

Heck, what do I know? I'm not even at that stage yet.

</my opinion>

13,344 posts

I wonder if its just a girl thing, I wish I could see my boyfriend everyday and everynight....

Now don't you go smothering him! Trust me, he won't like that.
677 posts

while as a MAN i still need my Spizzace ok.

Of course you did! You guys are still teenagers... remember you have a lot of time before you need to settle down! I don't even have to think about that yet and I'm 4/5 years old than you guys!!!! Now...some day when we are all older (sooner for me than you) we might turn our thoughts around and be quite content and ready to settle!

670 posts

that's nice Shyla.

lol.... so I like to daydream bout him. one day you are going to dat wit a girl :P

Eventually you will in the future.

I really hope so ....

Why do couples that stay together for 30, 40, 50+ years still stay together? Often times they'll say it's because they married their best friend, not just because of a reason like physical attraction or convenience.

true, my mom and dad been together for 47 years. and they really are eachothers best friends.... I think you should start out as friends be4 you even think bout dating each other.
13,344 posts

You guys are still teenagers... remember you have a lot of time before you need to settle down!

Try to avoid getting into to too serious of a relationship as a teenager. You're in an emotional phase in your life and when you break up with your "special buddy", it will only hurt you more. So take my advice and avoid it for now.
670 posts

Now don't you go smothering him! Trust me, he won't like that.

hey he started it, he tells me that too :P
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