Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D
Well... I very much believe that I have a life outside of the cyber AG world! But I do love spending time on this thread, and therefore have spent lots of time here that I could have otherwise used more wisely/socially! lol
I just listen to my music while im on the computer for hours until i goto bed and text so i don't have to hear my moms voice or my brother's sorta to drown out there loud conversations and arguments and so i dont have to listen to them when they call my name. and cause i have nothing better to do until the week end.
Write her a love note, and give it to her in person when you are both alone.
Might be worth a try. lol, I can almost hear her asking "Why did you write me a note your right here you could have just told me".
You could also make her dinner yourself and enjoy it together!
Tried, she enjoys having me cook for her but that's about it.
Some evening you could also take her to your bed room, dim the lights, put on a really romantic song that you think describes how you feel about her and ask her to slow dance.
Tried the first part. As for the dancing that's out. She nor I dance, it would be like four left feet on the dance floor. Not a very romantic scene.
You make a date with her and tell her to "get sexy"(very important that that is said.)
I think she wouldn't be to comfortable wearing anything that would qualify as 'sexy' out some place.
[quote]Well you could always go out in the pouring rain knowing that when you return you could curl up and snuggle next or a fire or under blankets!
yeah thats true but say you do would she go for it??[/quote]
Good question. lol
Sorry to look at this negatively but if you have tried to set the romantic mood before and she has not .... got romantic (grammar ?) maybe she is trying to hint at you that she is not ready for that .... just a thought
The thought crossed my mind but that doesn't seem to be the case.
How about you ask her "If you had to think of the most romantic date ever, what would it be?" Maybe you will find your answer with her!!
That's how I got an "I don't know" in the first place!
but any way maybe you should just tell her that you wanna try and get a romantic mood going on maybe saying it right out might help a lot more ... just an idea
She picks up on my wants pretty quick. I think what's at the root of the problem is she she honestly doesn't know what she likes and doesn't like and if she doesn't know how can I?
lol, well I guess not all people can be as lucky as you 420.....
lol magegreywolf your girlfriend sounds just like me.... she just dont wanna be girly and sappy, just tell her that you are into it and you really like it... thats what my boyfriend did, and now I am starting to be more girly
lol yea nosey would be bad, she might get pissed if she is really that much like me.... but yea every girl is girly no matter how tomboy,goth,or whatever they are... you just gotta find out what turns on that girly side.... for me it was my boy friend just telling me that he loves me *sigh* so sweet
I've been thinking about this... Mage as you said you've been dating for 4 years I'm assuming you guys must be at least in your late teens. I'm just wondering how old are you? Maybe she just isn't into romance right now...but that she wont forever...but if you are quite young that might be a plausible idea why she doesn't seem to be into it right now.