ForumsWEPRAtheism Column

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Hello everyone! I wrote a column for my school newspaper on atheism, mind giving me any opinions? Like, if I have an inaccurate statistic or if there's some additional information I should add.

Atheism, it's the disbelief in god. Many people, African, European, Indonesian, Canadian- you name it- beleive in god. Different versions of god and creators have floated around for hundreds of years. However, besides atheism, I'll be addressing fundamentalist Christianity, as it is the branch of Christianity I am most familiar with.
First of all, let me tell you a little about atheism, and what I beleive it should stand for. I beleive atheism should stand for an open minded individual that, depending on how much evidence it takes for the individual to beleive, looks for the reason of life, where it came from and why it's there. The Atheist should also, obviously, not beleive in god. Should the atheist beleive in god at one point, they would not be an atheist. Atheists, unless they are either close minded or simply uncaring, should always listen to new or different religions. That, is what a true atheist should be like.
The Washington Post says that 92% of America beleives in some sort of Deity, or "God". However, I don't think this isn't an entirely true statement. Though it has the possibility to be true, I don't think that it's completely true. Why? Well, children, as I was (at a point in time), are scared into believing in a god. From your parents telling you you'll burn in a eternal fire, where a big horned red-scorched hooved man pokes you in the back of the head with a pitchfork, to just telling you over and over that god is real, to even forcing it upon children, parents have been scaring their children to beleive in a god.
Oh, but that isn't exactly bad. Religion does teach morals and values, it's just that a child should be able to choose what they beleive in. Especially if their life is dependent upon religion. If someone is unable to choose what they think, in the "land of the free", we must be doing something wrong.
Now I'm sure you'd be able to argue, "We can still choose!", right? Not really, because the atheistic way is commonly shunned, or scorned upon. As such, a child, or even an adult, would be slightly afraid to speak what they beleive. I've heard stories where, when a child told his mother he was an atheist, he was either hated by his/her mother, or her/his mother felt like they hadn't raised their child right, or that they were a terrible parent. Then there's the one or two stories I hear where the mom/dad either didn't care, or was okay with it.
Other times atheists are shunned upon simply because they disagree with others, and are different. As we all know, humans fear, or just hate, change and difference. Which is another reason why atheistic children are afraid to speak their mind.
But oh, atheism isn't as great as I try to make it sound. It's actually somewhat of a depressing thought if you really think about it. Atheists generally beleive that there is no afterlife, because there is no god. Because of this, it can either make someone think more highly of life, or it can make them think life is the most terrible thing in the world. Why? Without a reward after this cruel, unforgiving and cold life, you know that there's nothing there. So naturally, there is no point to endure a cruel existence as a human being. This may be a reason why so many people turn to religion when dissapointed, confused, hurt, or in grief.
Like all things in this world, atheism has it's ups and downs. It can be both great, and it can be destroying to someone's mental stamina and health. However, it can also keep someone happy in the knowledge that the life they have now is the last, and as such it motivates them to make it a good one. It also allows people to be free from constraints and laws that they see unfit, but it might be taboo for their friends and/or family.

  • 37 Replies
1,633 posts

I think that statistic that 92% of America is theist is bogus.
I think maybe only 35% of the population is truly passionate about their theistic belief. 50% are salvationists(poeple who only care about going to heaven. Not concerned with teachings.)or claim that they believe in God but don't really go to church or do anything religious. And that leaves 15% of the people are atheists.

I'm atheist because I do not see the logic and proof of a god. The afterlife is just unconsciousness; which is better than hell, but worse than heaven so I'm not to concerned with it. I like religion for teaching great morals and ethics to people, but I just disagree with the divinity part. I think atheists are shunned because people can't see the logic and understanding of what we think. The theist people think we turned our backs to god in anger or just out of spite; not because there is tremendous evidence against a god.
I don't think atheism hurts the mental health.

does this help you at all?

9,462 posts

Looks like you have the definition of atheist pretty well down but thought you might find my breakdown of theist atheist and agnostic interesting non the less.

a- 1 or an-
Without; not: amoral.

Noun 1.theist - one who believes in the existence of a god or gods

So an atheist is without belief in a god or gods.

adj. gnostic - possessing intellectual or esoteric knowledge of spiritual things

Again using the prefix a-
agnostic: not possessing intellectual or esoteric knowledge of spiritual things

One can claim they have no knowledge of a god or god and still believe in them and one can claim they have no knowledge of a god or gods but not believe in a god or gods.

Other times atheists are shunned upon simply because they disagree with others, and are different. As we all know, humans fear, or just hate, change and difference. Which is another reason why atheistic children are afraid to speak their mind.

Other times atheists are shunned upon simply because they disagree with others, and are different. As we all know, humans fear, or just hate, change and difference. Which is another reason why atheistic children are afraid to speak their mind.

*Warning Explicit Language*
Pissed Catholic Mother

Don't think I agree with the definition of militant in this but still give an example.
Atheist intolerance
2,906 posts

hooray for atheism!

4,097 posts

I'd like to give a longer response, but for now I'll just point of a few things.

First of all, remember to capitalize "God" everytime you use it.

Second, I disagree with the thought that the pure atheist should be open torwads other ideas, other wise they aren't atheist. I consider atheism an idea as strong as any religion, so it's not required they are open to others. Agnosticism (which I am) requires a more open minded attitude.

I agree with fundamentalist Christians scaring people into religions though. It's what the Puritans did in the 1600's.

1,251 posts

nice, what reviews did you get from your classmates? Also, one of those stories was a lot like what happened to me and my mom when I told her. I like that, having stories means people "like me" can relate

very nicely done =]

5,420 posts

Now I'm sure you'd be able to argue, "We can still choose!", right? Not really, because the atheistic way is commonly shunned, or scorned upon. As such, a child, or even an adult, would be slightly afraid to speak what they believe. I've heard stories where, when a child told his mother he was an atheist, he was either hated by his/her mother, or her/his mother felt like they hadn't raised their child right, or that they were a terrible parent. Then there's the one or two stories I hear where the mom/dad either didn't care, or was okay with it.

You know why is it that I am the only one who seems to live in a school where athiests are more common, and whose parents are the same? Look Thoad this is obviously an opinion based article, but of course I can't entirely agree with it. Thats just my opinion on it though.
9,462 posts

First of all, remember to capitalize "God" everytime you use it

God doesn't need to be capitalized in every instance.

Second, I disagree with the thought that the pure atheist should be open torwads other ideas, other wise they aren't atheist. I consider atheism an idea as strong as any religion, so it's not required they are open to others. Agnosticism (which I am) requires a more open minded attitude.

Incorrect atheists can be open minded. Someone who is open minded is someone who is open to new ideas and willing to scrutinize them and except them if they find reason. It's not closed mindedness to ask for evidence before believing.

This actually opens up something you might want to add to your report on how an atheist can be open minded.
5,642 posts

Look Thoad this is obviously an opinion based article, but of course I can't entirely agree with it. Thats just my opinion on it though.

I was told that a Column in a newspaper would always be "an idea or opinion from an individual of the paper". SO yeah, of course you can't agree with all of it ^^.
You know why is it that I am the only one who seems to live in a school where athiests are more common, and whose parents are the same?

I'd say luck of the draw. Most cases I hear are of people being punished for atheism.
nice, what reviews did you get from your classmates?

I asked for a few opinions on atheism, but I didn't exactly put them into the Column, as claimed above, a Column is supposed to be an individual's POV.
4,097 posts


when reffering to a specific god, in a particular religion, it should be treated as a special noun. He just missed a few, I shouldn't have said to capitalize it everytime though.

Of course an atheist can be open minded, but it's not the basis of atheism like the article seems to imply.

5,579 posts

I've always viewed atheists as just as bad as religion. When they preach to me there is no God, I get rather sick of it. When I tell them there might be, they get pissed at me.

Religion: Ignorance
Atheism: Arrogance
Agnosticism: Awesome

Nice column though. Well written.

3,826 posts

It's worth pointing out generally (although perhaps not necessarily for this column) that there are really 3 varieties of atheism: unfriendly atheism, neutral atheism, and friendly atheism.
Unfriendly atheists reject the notion of a god and hold that under no circumstances is anyone rationally justified in believing in a god.
Neutral atheists reject the notion of a god but have no opinion about the rationality of the theist's beliefs.
Friendly atheists reject the notion of a god but think that some people do have a justified (although mistaken) belief in a god.
Many of the prominent atheists you hear about (Dawkins and Hitchens come to mind) are unfriendly atheists. However, I don't think that's a fair representation of the atheist community. Many of us are friendly atheists, and some are neutral.

5,579 posts

Not the ones I've met, sadly. The one's I've met are extremely unfriendly.

I have yet to meet so much as a neutral one personally.

4,097 posts

Hmm, I didn't know about the divisions of atheism. I don't know if Id consider myself an agnostic, or a friendly atheist now...

1,251 posts

Depends on one thing green, are you sure there is no god or not? If not you're an agnostic

8,570 posts

Religion: Gullible. Wanting to believe in something for guidance and hope in some higher power, and the liars who take advantage of such people will, well, take advantage of them. Did you know that Mormons have to pay 10% of their income to be a member of the church? That's an awful lot of money with thousands of members. And the religious people still believe the religious leaders and think they are being saved from eternal damnation in a fiery pit of hell.
Atheism: Ignorant. They completely dismiss the idea of some higher power in lieu of science. And that is ignorant. Did you know that the first life-forms were found about 3.5 billion years ago? And the scientists honestly have no idea exactly how abiogenesis occurs. They're ignorant because they completely dismiss many of the bogus religions that exist, but never acknowledge how their religion is almost as full of holes.

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