It isn't; 100 IQ is average. 100 is always average, since 1, it is the median between brain deficiency and brain efficiency, and 2, since our average intelligence goes up over the years but the median would always be 100. Why increase the number range once we are proven smarter the last time we increased it? That would siwwy
Actually, it is a JOKE. It is referencing to the fact that most people would rather play a game. That is because a game seems more like a fun thing than work does. Hence the fact that many people have bad work ethic.
Like me getting on here after about four months because of a stupid Bio essay T.T. Point proven? I think so.
America's I.Q. in general isn't raising. The general population is getting even more ignorant at the current moment. I am from the United States.Compared to other countries the United States has significantly lower scores. The public education system in the United States is less than par. The leave no child behind policy is one of the flaws in the system. If the whole system is working for the children with learning disabilities then the children without them are going to suffer. With no challenge there is no progress and with no progress there is no change. This allows other countries to progress while the Unites States lays dormant. I am a Junior in the public education system. I have an I.Q. score of 159. I am taking all advanced classes and have been awarded with many achievements, due to this I must say the education system is only getting worse in our society.
Diasagreement. I can safely say that's not true due to personal experience. They would need to do that to compete, but that doesn't mean they do
It's part of the whole reasoning spectrum. A person with a higher I.Q. would sit in a class and think "I don't need to study this, I can just memorize it and do just fine", while a person with a lower I.Q. would think "man, if I don't study, I will be left behind and won't get anywhere in this school!" The one who studied did better, and the "smarter" individual is humiliated. Back in my earlier posts, I thought "what if a smart person studied and worked hard as well"? That is the very definition of success, and that person will go out into the world and be very successful in life. Maybe it's just that they think that studying seemingly-easy courses or studying in general is a folly, or that they just need harder courses to feel the need to study, but Idk.
My IQ? Idk for sure. My dad said around 150, but I think he's lying XD
Ok... cyancanine402, your answer was ludacrous. Being smart doesn't mean you don't care. It just means your mind has obtained a large quantity of knowledge. Preferable more than your peers. If you had insight into this perspective, then you would have the ability of knowing. An inanimate object is the only thing that doesn't think. If you think then you are. So to be alive you must think no matter what I.Q.
Well... actually you have to obtain knowledge to suceed using your brain correctly in the right situation. So no, being knowledgeable and smart are in the same category. Without knowledge you wouldn't be smart and using your brain correctly wouldn't be possible.
Public School standards can raise all they want, [It depends where you live] but when I lived in Houston there was a majority of my class that was always failing. Not because they didn't know, not because they were ignorant morons (well, can't say that for all) but just because they didn't care. They really didn't, they'd rather just waste their time. If they really needed a grade to keep themselves from having problems, they'd make a list of possible answers and memorize it to scratch a low [but passing] grade. Many of the kids there were, practically, ignorant morons. Eventually once you grow a bit you can take AP classes where you don't have to deal with 'em
I moved to Virginia a while back, and I can say that the average IQ here is obviously much higher. I've met some people that at least try to work on what they're doing, whether it is for memory or for learning -- They're not sitting on their asses. Sadly enough, most of my teachers feel that the majority of students aren't really getting anywhere. To be honest, it took me till 8th Grade. I'm glad I'm not sitting on my arse now, because I'm fixing to Grajew8.
Precisely! If you have it use it, and if used correctly then you are smart. If you have it and use it incorrectly then you are unintelligent to the most outstanding level.