Since there are Catholic and Aethiest threads i fugured Hey what about jews? the point of this topic is to talk about the Torah what you have learned from it, and Jewish holidays, like Yom Kippur.
Please No Spamming Keep on topic no trolling and or flaming
And anybody may join the conversation but they will be referred to as Goyans. I'll begin, What have you learned from Yom Kippur?
and the reason there are so many atheists and agnostics on AG..... idk the answer to that :P why are there so many Christians irl? Find that answer and maybe you can find the answer to your question.
And I don't know anyone who was in the holocaust o.O
hmm good question, well Catholics pretty much took over Rome which at the time was the biggest empire besides Greece, and then they began branching off into Ireland Scotland and so forth, wait a minute we're talking about catholics remember this is about the Jewish Community on AG lol.
I think there are so many atheists and agnostics online because these ideals tend to be associated with open-mindedness and intelligence, simply because they don't need to have faith in something with little evidence. Online is generally the place where you can have intelligent and hopefully open-minded discussions, so I think it attracts more atheists and agnostics because they can actually express their ideals without being looked at as a minority. Christians and Jews may be less attracted to the idea because they have a community where they can discuss their beliefs.
@ Ferary that's true there are many varities of culture, religion, beliefs ETC. but still the Muslim Atheist Catholic community is much stronger than the jewish one heck, im probably roughly one in about 10 jewish users that actually use the site to it's fullest potential.
im sorry frylock i had to flag that, it really offended me personally. And you say no jews are on AG well im Jewish so there is at least 1 jew on ag and plus that still is breaking the forum rules
Yes, it is offensive. There are no Catholic Jews, I went a bit overboard. For that, I apologize. I am not proud of myself. Oh, and you just joined today WhiteStripe, so how was I supposed to know about you?