ForumsWEPRAgnostic Questions on Religion

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Sitting through yet another forced visit to the church, I decided to come up with some questions. See if you can answer them.

First the questions, then the analysis.

1. Do humans understand god? Would you agree with the analogy God:Humanog?

2. (Monotheistic) How do you know there isn't many "God"s in each one of us?

3. Religion is OLD. Do you think that it is really a credible source?

4. Miracles, are they mind's tricks?

5. Is it not easy to blame things on 'God'(s) rather than understand it yourself?

6. (Christianity) Could being last be selfish?

7. Knowing you have someone watching out for you, blind hope?

1. If you did agree with the analogy then how would you know what 'good' is? You know nothing other than what your owner has given you. Being agnostic I feel that I can choose which owner I think will suit me the most.

2. They refer to him as 'Father'. Taking things as a singularity is easy. How do you know there isn't many 'God's inside each one of us and you just refer to him as a whole?

3. It was in the days before modern science. Many many many religions seems to have formed in the past before scientific explainations.

4. The mind is one of your most powerful traits in a human. It is possible to kill yourself by just believing.

5. It is very easy! This relates to question 3. Look at salem witch trials. They're witches! Look at what they did! Burn them!! Rather than assess the situation.

6. It can be! Giving away all your items just to receive the best. Giving away all your items just so you know when you're dead you haven't missed out on the potentially great things you have.

7. It can be a false security that leads to bad decisions.

In conclusion, the 'Bible'(s) are simply biased books of wisdom to me.

  • 34 Replies
2,581 posts

consider things like sex for instance. if you have intercourse with as many people as possible, what will happen? likely you will get a disease that will leave you infertile or even death. If you have intercourse with only one person, there is no risk as long as it is the same for them.

I'm not sure why you thought this should be in this thread.
1,251 posts

I'm not sure why you thought this should be in this thread.

duh isn't it obvious. He.. uh...

ya, what the hell does that have anything to do with??
2,581 posts

Well anyways...

Here's 10 questions from

1. Where is the justice in punishing us for Adam's sin? If the bible itself says that children will not be punished for the parents' sins (Deut. 24:16). Furthermore, if God really created Adam not knowing either good or evil (Gen 3:22), how could such a harsh and enduring punishment as death for Adam and all his descendants possibly be just? Our secular courts are more just than God when they show mercy on people who cannot distinguish between right and wrong, such as children and the mentally handicapped. And why isn't this doctrine of original sin found anywhere in the Bible except in Paul's writings? Why didn't Jesus ever mention it, or teach it?

2. How could Adam and Eve ever have sinned if God had actually created them perfect, even if they did have free will? If God created them imperfect, how could a perfect omnipotent being create anything imperfect?

3. Why Pray? If it changes God's mind then he is not sovereign. If it does not change Gold's mind then it is superfluous.

4. Why would a loving, omnipotent, benevolent god cause people to believe falsehoods so that he can condemn them? (II Thes 2:11 - 12)

5. Why does Jesus quote a non-existent verse of the OT scripture (John 7:38)? Is it possible that he considered other non-canonical writings also to be God's Word?

6. Which "Ten Commandments" are the Ten Commandments - the ones listed in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5, or the ones listed at Exodus 34? Only the list at Exodus 34 is explicitly called the "Ten Commandments" in the biblical text.

7. Why does the writer of Matthew quote a non-existent OT prophecy (Matthew 2:23)?

8. Why does the writer of Matthew attribute a quote about the potter's field to Jeremiah, when Jeremiah has no such passage and the closest one in the OT is Zechariah (Matthew 27:9 - 10, Zechariah 11:12)?

9. Why doesn't prayer work, when the bible promises that it will (John 14:14, for example)?

10. Why aren't christians doing greater works than Jesus did, since he himself said they would (John 14:12)? Why aren't they raising the dead, turning water into wine, healing the sick, feeding multitudes from a very small amount of food, casting out demons, walking on water?


I'm too lazy to make my own questions. lol

9,462 posts

3. Why Pray? If it changes God's mind then he is not sovereign. If it does not change Gold's mind then it is superfluous.

This offers another good question on prayer and free will.
Illinois Church Shooting: Does God Allow Free Will? - The Atheist Experience #595
Showing 31-34 of 34