ForumsWEPRPlanetary Expansion of the Human Race

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What I'd like to discuss in this thread is theories related to how the human race will advance, in regards to planetary expansion. This is important, because eventually, Earth will no longer be able to sustain human life. Whether it be caused by man, or natural events, Earth won't last forever. If the human race wants to survive, we must expand sooner or later.

I believe the first step is the colonization of the Moon. Currently, NASA is planning to create a Lunar Outpost, sometime between the years of 2019 and 2024. If this goes as planned, the colonization of the Moon will take a great leap forward. It may still be decades after the event that normal, everyday citizens, are able to live on the moon, and even longer until the colonies are able to sustain themselves; but the base of all future operations will have been established. Additionally, the colonization of the Moon will set the system by which nations claim land on all planets.

Will humans work together as one unit to colonize the solar system, and eventually the universe; or will future planets work the same as Earth, fighting amongst itself; leading to disestablishment eventually. If the latter is chosen, and nations are established, will they stay in collaboration with the government of other planets, or will there be no alliance between the human race?

I apologize for getting a bit astray from my topic of Moon colonization, but it's all very interesting stuff.

The next step, after successfully establishing a stable, time weathered Lunar government, is to colonize another planet. Most likely Mars. Of course, Mars is more likely to allow humans to live a life comparable to what their Earth dwelling ancestors live; due to its ability to be terraformed, while we are unsure whether or not the Moon could be terraformed.

Here is an artists interpretation of what a terraformed Moon may look like.

And here is the possible terraformation (word?) process of Mars.

Note the resemblance to Earth that the terraformed Mars has.

Scientists have also considered the possibility of terraforming Venus, which would be a much more difficult challenge than either the Moon or Mars.

I'm not going to get into the details of the process (as it's quite complicated), but if you would like to learn more about it the information is online. I will show you pictures however, showing the change that would need to be made. Something to note, is that due to global warming, Venus is the warmest planet in our solar system. Could that be the fate of Earth, after abandoned? Only to be once again terraformed and restored by another species, or the descendants of the long forgotten inhabitants of Earth?

Current state of Venus,0.jpg

Artists rendition of a terraformed Venus

Please keep in mind, that this entire thread is based purely on theories, some person, and that in no event should my outline be thought of as the end all, be all, of human expansion. It's simply what I believe may or may not happen, depending on events of the next few decades, and century.

I know this is a very long OP, so I won't go into detail about other discussion points, but I would like to point them out.

*Effect on humans, as a species? How would living on these planets affect the evolutionary path of humans?
*Will humans be able to achieve planetary expansion at all? If so, how far do you believe we will get?
*Will an alliance be made between all planets? How likely is it that the human race grows apart and eventually disassociates with the others as evolution and time goes on?

Your views on the entire matter?

  • 109 Replies
2,837 posts

Lets see, win a couple World Wars, keep communism from overrunning the world...

Maybe it is because we earned it.

1,751 posts

Lets see, win a couple World Wars, keep communism from overrunning the world...
Maybe it is because we earned it.

No connection whatsoever to the topic
2,837 posts

Answering YOUR statement tomerthequeen.

4,097 posts

why does the US always think itself so inportant?

The US is very large, so most people don't see other countries in their life time. Where as in Europe, you have to know what's going on everywhere else since you're going to leave your country more frequently. That's not really on topic though...

We aren't getting out of our solar sytem for a good long while. Our probe to Pluto still hasn't even crossed Saturn's orbit yet. We have enough problems here on Earth to not complicate things with wasting valuable resources on exploration.

NASA and other space programs are working quite well, they're not really inhibiting other operations. There's no reason to stop them when in the future the information they find today may be very useful, or at the very least, save time.
185 posts

We sure better hope we get off this planet, because mathematically there is no way for us to exist here forever. As far as reality goes, we are racing to find a new home before this one expires.

3,896 posts

Yep its like canned food in your cupboard, it only lasts so long before it goes bad

4,097 posts

because mathematically there is no way for us to exist here forever.

Not forever, but we could still live on Earth for a few billion years. Chances are once the sun starts to get significantly hotter in around 3 billion years, Earth will slowly become less and less inhabitable for humans though. We still have about 5.5 billion years until the sun turns into a Red Giant and engulfs Earth, but I doubt we'll last past 3 billion on Earth.
185 posts

The planet itself, maybe. But the human race has a much shorter half life because there are some conditions, no matter the technology, we cannot survive.

1,287 posts

We have enough problems here on Earth to not complicate things with wasting valuable resources on exploration.

Gaining knowledge of where we came from and where we're going isn't worth it?

Lets see, win a couple World Wars, keep communism from overrunning the world...

Oh I like you

But I hate you at the same time xD

You did not win World War 2, the Allies did. You were 2/5 of the force that regained a prescence in Europe on D-Day. And before you joined the war, plans were already being created to regain position on the continent that didn't involve you.

2/5 America
2/5 English
1/5 Canadian

And who got off the beaches first? Canada.

You defeated communism...NO.

Communism defeated itself. You just made everyone fear change, and new ways about thinking of things like "ownership"

The US is very large, so most people don't see other countries in their life time. Where as in Europe, you have to know what's going on everywhere else since you're going to leave your country more frequently.

The US is the third largest country. Canadian don't think Canada is so important and it is bigger. Why is this?
4,097 posts

The US is the third largest country. Canadian don't think Canada is so important and it is bigger. Why is this?

I think that America's "world police" reputation has a lot to do with that. We see our leaders pushing around other countries, so it's only natural for normal citizens to believe that other countries are inferior.
1,633 posts

The US is the third largest country. Canadian don't think Canada is so important and it is bigger. Why is this?

Cause half your country is covered with ice and polar bears. No one likes polar bears. No one lives up there either.
1,573 posts

its us that's the problem, not the money

Fair enuf... but we still need to ajust a system thats clearly not working for us. The system is money. And we need to do the ajusting.
2,837 posts

Canada also doesn't have near the population of the US.

1,287 posts

Canada also doesn't have near the population of the US.

I always measure the awesomeness of countries by population.

India totally pwns the U.S

Oh wait...lack of women's rights?

Naaaaaah, population counts more
358 posts

Aren't we veering off topic?

I think that if we were ever going to colonize another planet, it should be in another solar system we know well about.
SO far... this is impossible for how trivail we are. Im not some conspiracy junkie, but honestly, Out of a universe, that has endless galaxies, and Has like a hundred million stars in each (for a estimate, some have less or more)
You would think, there would be life out of those planets besides ares. And who said they need the same conditions we do to survive? What if the inhabitants of that planet breathe Methane or Hydrogen?
We breathe oxygen, as it is not as high concetrated as Nitrogen, and it is more numerous then argon and all the other substances that are on Earth.

But if we had high oxygen levels, Oxygen would be poisonous to us. Why?
Because think of a fish. A fish breathes by filtering water, and getting some oxygen. Otherwise it burns their breathing systems, and they die. Thats why a fish will die when it leaves water. So we would probably breathe some other gas. Im nto saying we will adjust ourselves to a new ags so quickly. That would take many years of evolution.

But the real qeustio nis, what is our target to begin with? Even with these &quotromising" planets, they are so diffrent then our mother Earth, will we ever adapt quick enough?

That is not up to me to answer. But however, I will piss you guys off with one more qeustion. Why would we try to escape, from our mother planet, to head to another planet, just to start at sqaure one again? Even if the msot advanced scholars went, You will be resorted to a archaic form of living. You would be resulted to being a nomad or a small town dweller again. You would have to terra form, and do a ton of agriculture work, or do a ton of hunting or fishing. Or you would have to do a entirely new way to gather food of which is not presently known to us.

Why, with all our development, would we give thgat up to reduce ourselves to a limited species, and if that planet we find is inhabited, are we sure we can have no fear of them, or if their intelligent, even trust them?

Like, I'll give you a experiment. Exclude yourself if you travel alot.
Say you go to another country. And you know nothing about it. And you did no research, and your jsut stuck there. how would you feel? its the same as going to another planet.

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