You must be talking about a diffrent planet, or I mixed the name up. I'm basing it on names that refer to a near accurate approach. The names won't be exact all the time, im only human, I make mistakes. And when I said Oxyeg nsi poisonous to us, Why? I answered that below, to show people who didn't know.
Anyways, There is a planet that we have found that is covered completly by water, by accurate photo's and probe data. However, the only problem to this is to make a proper landing device. You can live on a floating, man made isle of construction work, as long as you have a way to obtain fresh, drinkable water, and have fish to eat, (or any other sea creature avaible, or some other form of food.)
Now when I ment a diffrent way of gathering food, I mean something that we haven't even thought about, something about like a invention that hasn't been invented and we haven't even thought about it.
But I as one person has said, That may be dangerous to try out new ways of obtaining food, due to the fact it may be poisonous ect.
The thing is though, We would start at Sqaure one again. Yes, we have the knowledge of greater things, but where are the resources coming from? We cannot, no matter how far our technology progresses in a few hundred years span, ever transport enough to make a advanced society. We would be limited to a colonizing society, a frontier one. One that is ruled by a despot, or a oligarchy. BEcause you really can't have democracy if your group is really small, and in which it probably will be, because it will be a elite few, unless they go by consensus.
Aside that fact, you would have to start off small. You would only have your small colony pod, your own secure area, before You can expand. and that limits you from progressing or recreating technology, because your focuses are on food, water, shelter, the basic needs of survival, and colonization. And if the planet is inhabited, You may have to fight them off, and secure your own holdings. so this owuld leave NO time for Technological Progress. We would basicalyl be at sqaure one, Low meager populations of tribes, ruled by a clan like dominance, and we would have to either be scavengers, hunters, farmers, or fishers, or resource harvesters, or warriors. It would revert backwards in a society perspective, and Society also affects technology, so we would be revertted backwards as well, considering how much work ti would be.
Now im not saying that going and colonizing other planets is futile, but it is alot of hard work by just the colonizing aspect of it, and not to mention, how long it would take just to get there, and make a profiting, and strong holding.
Now we should colonize a bit. Mainly for resource gathering, and so on, so we don't have to harvest our Lovely Earth tot he point of exhuastion. That way we can have our planet safe, and We have another planet to go to if something goes wrong.
Then, if Mother Earth survives long enough, and the colony succeeds, We may face another issue. Planetary rivals.
We may become competitive with one another, and be outward and hostile, almost like a East and West phenommenon.
And thats if we even manage to keep contact, we may be cut off from communications altogether. Mind you even with the latest developments, I doubt, even if we master light speed travel ect. That we will be able to communicate freely with each other, without Solar intereferance, Electrical, Gases, formations in space, and even our atmospheres. It will be hard work, but If our race manages to do this, well I'll be proud to be human even more so. I doubt i'll live to see the day though, probably none of us will, either that or we will be so wrinkled we may be mistaked for hunched and broken tree's.
That is my response. The task at hand is a heavy one, but It may be accomplished. It has its chances, and mabye we should try it. it wouldn't hurt too bad, and the outcome is promising. Just as long as we don't screw up some other Civilizations affairs, then mabye we will do well.