English is the most ambiguos language in the world. So many different letter combinations, with so many different pronunciations. Other languages, like French, have optimized. They have made the language logical and removed all of the"ghoti" situations.
Ways to make the "Sh" sound in english:
shirt, sugar, chute, action, issue, ocean, conscious, mansion, schwa, anxious, and special
Should we optimize the english language? It IS the language of business in the world, and it would make it much easier to learn.
I never mentioned America. Canadian English is virtually the same.
you couldn't tell that I was kidding? :P
This is one of the reasons English is the most difficult language to learn.
It's tough, but not the toughest. There are some Scandinavian languages, like certain types of Icelandic, that are much more difficult to learn.
English is very difficult to learn to spell, though. Speaking it is comparatively easy to some languages, but learning to write in English is tough due to all the different grammar and spelling rules.
French is really easy to learn.
Ca va?
Ca va. Ca va?
Ca va.
Yeah, that was a whole short conversation, lol.
But at the same time, I don't see why this is a significant enough world event or problem for a thread. Yeah, English is a crazy language, but it isn't some sort of grand trespass to human rights or anything.
Like I'm about to go tell someone else. I'm not always good at it xD
There are some Scandinavian languages, like certain types of Icelandic, that are much more difficult to learn.
More difficult to learn from the English perspective Because they have such little relation to English.
I don't see why this is a significant enough world event or problem for a thread.
I guess =P Sometimes it is hard to make the distinction between the tavern section and this one. If you post something that isn't a world event/politics/religion in the tavern but want intelligent conversation it is sometimes difficult to come by.
I just categorize this as the smartness section of the forums
I speak American. The radical differences between the different English regions is astounding. I know I can't understand how many people here even speak.