English is the most ambiguos language in the world. So many different letter combinations, with so many different pronunciations. Other languages, like French, have optimized. They have made the language logical and removed all of the"ghoti" situations.
Ways to make the "Sh" sound in english:
shirt, sugar, chute, action, issue, ocean, conscious, mansion, schwa, anxious, and special
Should we optimize the english language? It IS the language of business in the world, and it would make it much easier to learn.
English Class is about studying literature and learning how to compose proper essays, poems, etc.
That is what English Literature is about.... English Language teaches you about the language (to point out the obvious).
I hated French at school (and German) 'cos the teachers were rubbish and expected you to magically know if a word was masculine or feminine etc. They were French and apparently hadn't realised they had to teach us stuff first before we could learn it.
Latin is dead because the Roman Empire fell. Its a political thing and the regions that previously used latin were no longer politically linked so each place diverged and created their own.[quote]It is also because scholars in Renaissance times killed and stopped it developing as a living language would. They just stuck it in a museum and made it a scientific thing to be dtudied etc. rather than just using it.
That's true. But if we still had Latin today, it would be very soon abandoned. If English gets too complicated for people to learn then it will be abandoned. I am learning Latin, and like I say all the rules and varying suffixes make it a very difficult language which is why close to nobody even attempts to learn it, it is bloody difficult. We had many centuries to revive it from the falling Roman empire, but we developed our own language and it worked, it was a lot easier than Latin. Many people are not bilingual because another language is too hard, this is a perfect example of a language being too hard and so not learning it. Then it dies.
You don't think it should be easier to learn the language that runs the world? And the language that runs the world shouldn't make logical sense?
Oh, trust me, it would be bloody brilliant to see English make logical sense, but worldwide business owners, people working in English speaking countries, children being brought up and taught the second most widely spoken language in the world would hate us to suddenly change it! The business world would go insane, EVERY SINGLE ENGLISH SPEAKING PERSON WOULD SUDDENLY HAVE TO CHANGE!, not good for the business world.