English is the most ambiguos language in the world. So many different letter combinations, with so many different pronunciations. Other languages, like French, have optimized. They have made the language logical and removed all of the"ghoti" situations.
Ways to make the "Sh" sound in english:
shirt, sugar, chute, action, issue, ocean, conscious, mansion, schwa, anxious, and special
Should we optimize the english language? It IS the language of business in the world, and it would make it much easier to learn.
I prefer smoked Yuck! you got to grill it right! Throw a little rum on it and presto! I kinda hate English, Stupid grammar stuff. Yet, its my first language... >_<
Lol off topic.. anyway, very best english Ernie, the very goodest i know (lol)
Well take hebrew. In hebrew the constonants are the letters, and the vowels are the real tiny dots and lines around them. The constonant can own max. 1 vowel.
whats more, the vowels are found only in the bible and books for 5-year olds. you're supoosed to guees them. There are three constonants that don't make any sound, 2 that make "t", two "h", two "f", no capitals and 6 letters are writen diferently if they are at the end of the word. there are 4 "a", 3 "e", 2 "o", 3 "oo" and so on.
Pff, I'm not a native english speaker, and I learned it 'the hard way': English TV only subtitled in dutch (not dubbed like with every other language) and computer games...
Every language has difficulties, just some have similarities so are easier to learn, for example Spanish and Italian, if you know one the other is not very hard to learn.
As far as I can tell the purpose of the word Ghoti is to show the irregularities in the english language. It isn't the Enlgish language that is wrong it the people who keep invading us and adding bits in :P
We may have more irregularities than the French but we also have more adjectives. We can say something is big in so many ways using Franco-words, latinised words, germanic words etc. English is a melting pot (to use a horrible term) if you don't like it don't use it :O lol
I was meant to add: when this language gets too difficult, with too many exceptions, it will be abandoned and become obsolete, lets look at Latin:
Okay random sentence time:
Mulus silvam spectat - The mule is watching the wood. Literally this would be: 'Mule wood watch'.
Mulum silva spectat - The wood is watching the mule. Literally this would be: 'Mule wood watch'.
Now these are both exactly the same, even when mule is subject and not object, or vice versa it remains in exactly the same place in sentence construction. Not only that but spectat means 'watches', 'watch', 'watching'. And also the fact that you have different endings for subject and object.
Latin is dead because the Roman Empire fell. Its a political thing and the regions that previously used latin were no longer politically linked so each place diverged and created their own.
Latin is dead because the Roman Empire fell. Its a political thing and the regions that previously used latin were no longer politically linked so each place diverged and created their own.
It is also because scholars in Renaissance times killed and stopped it developing as a living language would. They just stuck it in a museum and made it a scientific thing to be dtudied etc. rather than just using it.