Really? Perhaps you should be on the ground in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, or in many African nations where people are sending their children out to fight and kill. Let me ask you this: If you were in a situation with a child trying to kill you, would you let that child kill you or would you defend yourself and your brothers in arms?
If I was in such a situation I would probably shoot the kid, I don't hide, but this doesn't obligatory make it right or just.
There are moral discounts and valid motives, but it's still wrong.
No Im saying that whoever was strongest usually had control ie:Romans, British, Americans, and now Isreal because it has nukes is too strong to dislodge from its postion.
And I'm saying whoever owns the land deserves to have it. The Israelis bought the land from the currently ruling Sultan as early as 1850, only making their final acquisition in 1948, when the land owned by the British and the abandoned Arab settlements were given to the Israeli government. Not only does the Israeli government own the lands, they also lease equally to all Israelites; Jews or Arabs. In some cases Arabs actually get better deals than the Jews.
As for the Gaza Strip, West Bank and Golan Heights, the land formerly occupied by Arab forces before the Six-Day War (1967), it was seized after Israel routed the combined Attacking forces of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. While Israel is hesitant to relinquish the land due to strategical benefits, they have not tried to press their influence, the largest enforced change was to edit out anti-semitism from Palestinian textbooks.
All I can say is that it appears to me that Palestine has initiated the conflict, and Israel is at little fault.
I only hate the three little things that came out of Israel's general aria that started most wars, prejudice, and unrightful murder...
Israel's main wars were started by arab nations invading Israel.
Israel has "confiscated" Palestine's land for Israel's own. Therefore, I can't see any reason why Israel shouldn't stop the war actively. Frankly, I do want to finish what Hitler didn't finish when I see the news.
Israel was an US attempt to get a foot hold in the Middle East. Since most Arabs resent US Imperialism, The US thought it would be best to make some allies in the Holy Land.
But Sadly, the Jews are just as violent as the Arabs. And it makes it difficult to arrange peace meetings with the Arabs when we support something they don't like.
On fair note, The Jews should be entitled to a country of their own. Though The UN could have arranged a better solution with Palestine.
Simple; Jews did 9/11.
bad joke
I only hate the three little things that came out of Israel's general aria that started most wars, prejudice, and unrightful murder...
War comes with every Nation. Prejudice is something we all have, but the Middle Easterners choose to express it more liberally. Whats "unrightful murder"? Do Jews execute children in public? No.
War comes with every Nation. Prejudice is something we all have, but the Middle Easterners choose to express it more liberally. Whats "unrightful murder"? Do Jews execute children in public? No.
Since you don't see what I am getting at, I am speaking of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Those are the three things that came out of this aria that I despise....Thought I made that clear.
Since you don't see what I am getting at, I am speaking of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Those are the three things that came out of this aria that I despise....Thought I made that clear.
Ironically, you have proven to me that you are no better than the people you despise.
Ironically, you have proven to me that you are no better than the people you despise.
Really? How so? Lets see... How many people have I killed in witch hunts? Zero.How many has religion killed? Several thousand. How many wars have I started? Zero. How many has religion started? Dozens. Well it looks like I am plenty better than them....
I'm not sure why people make fun of and hate the Jews, they are not as bad as you think. The Jews didn't steal anything, they REclaimed it. By this I am referring to the fact that the Arabs are the thieves that stole Israel. (Whoah, I almost said something racist and inapporpriate 0_o) You need to know Israels history before posting here. It's a joyous thing that the Jews are back.
One other thing. Try conquering them now, just try, amass an army and go ahead. You'll die. The Jews are God's people and He's had enough. (We're ALL technically God's people, but the Jews are His chosen people, nobody knows why.)
One other thing. Try conquering them now, just try, amass an army and go ahead. You'll die. The Jews are God's people and He's had enough. (We're ALL technically God's people, but the Jews are His chosen people, nobody knows why.)
Hummm maybe its because they wrote the myths?
And if they are "gods people" how would they have gotten kicked out in the first place? How would they have gotten slaughtered by Hitler? How...
And if they are "gods people" how would they have gotten kicked out in the first place? How would they have gotten slaughtered by Hitler? How...
I'm Jewish, and even I believe that's a load of bullshit. However, in the past sixty years, Israel has made itself a force to be taken very seriously.
You do realize even Jews "hate" Isreal right? Its not a racism issue. It has to do with Isreal's imperialist structure.
I don't know where you got that from. I have no ill will towards Israel, and neither do any Jews I know. Isolated cases do not mean Jews as a whole have any particular grievances with Israel.
I don't know where you got that from. I have no ill will towards Israel, and neither do any Jews I know. Isolated cases do not mean Jews as a whole have any particular grievances with Israel.
I meant some Jews, some intellectual ones anyway. And I mentioned Noam Chomsky