What is evil? Honestly, how do we know what is evil, and what is good? If we say murder is evil, somewone could honestly believe not to murder is evil. Also with beliefs somewone believes a religion is wrong or evil, well that person thinks the same thing about the other. I don't think you can know what's right and wrong unless you have an ultimate standard of perfection. I believe God has set the ultimate standard of perfection for us, but we are not perfect and we fail to meet this standard. What do you guys think?
Evil is just someones way of saying it's a thing that doesn't agree with them or their way of life. This may be a key point in that person's moral standings that are being opposed, or just some minute factor that they find distasteful.
I would obviously believe that I know what is right and what is wrong and that anyone who disagrees with my assessment is likely incorrect. Before anyone gets flamey, this is because I naturally believe my opinions to be correct. Me having an opinion I thought was wrong would be stupid.
going into the nurture side... you have those opinion based on how you were raised. your 'good' reflects a buncha other people's 'good' + your thoughts (influenced by past experiences).
your 'good' is mostly your parent's teachings and your own experiences.