Thought instead of continuing to thread jack the topic on abortion I would move this discussion into it's own thread.
The question is, are Humans animals? Can we even be compared to animals?
If we are not animals then what are we?
An argument was put forth we are socially not animals. On this I have to ask what is it socially that makes us truly that different? We pursue things just for the sheer pleasure of it? we see this behavior in other animals so that can't be it.
Another argument was we are not animals because unlike animals we have souls. If this is the case then what is a soul? What proof is there that such a thing even exists?
Humans are animals, even though our role in society is much greater than other animals. Saying that humans aren't socially animals is like saying dolphins aren't either. They have their own society, but they're still animals. We're just more advanced animals in many aspects.
We're the only ones capable to destroy the world we live in.
that's very untrue.
we can't destroy this world. we can drastically change its' environment, THROUGH overpopulation and through not having enough resources to satisfy our species-- this destroys the environment.
all animals are capable of destroying the environment through overpopulation.
Actually, we are all animals. We were once monkeys, but we managed to lose the tails and stuff. Once we all die out, the monkeys that never evolved will become a new super human! Or just the same as us, meaning there WILL be another Hitler.
True, but the effects of over population won't last as long as say, bombing the hell out of a city. Nuclear weapons are even worse, you can't tell me that a nuclear winter would do less harm to the environment than a large amount of rabbits wandering around.
All animals can harm the environment they live in, but in most cases, not to the extent of human beings.