Thought instead of continuing to thread jack the topic on abortion I would move this discussion into it's own thread.
The question is, are Humans animals? Can we even be compared to animals?
If we are not animals then what are we?
An argument was put forth we are socially not animals. On this I have to ask what is it socially that makes us truly that different? We pursue things just for the sheer pleasure of it? we see this behavior in other animals so that can't be it.
Another argument was we are not animals because unlike animals we have souls. If this is the case then what is a soul? What proof is there that such a thing even exists?
psh ya k got it. more chance of Canada launching a nuke because the leader was too drunk and entering us into WWIII and the US would have to once again save their sorry a$$e$.
The only people I know capable of doing that would be the Russians, and their notorious Vodka.
This one should be deleted, for a very good reason: Are Humans Animals... obviously.
Question answered, I don't think a thread needs to form from it. That is like me asking, is cheddar cheese yellow? And me making a thread about it and people talking about it. A waste of GB.
So are dolphins, Akitas, and German Shepherds. And gorillas.
We are not naked.
No offense or anything, but this point is extremely weak. We invented clothes as a cultural object. Animals don't wear clothes because they don't need clothes. Sorry, but do you really consider clothedness as a qualification for not being an animal?
We are clean.
Marmite baby begs to differ.
Also, any animal that walks through some water every now and then is 'clean.' Thousands of years ago, people thought taking 3 baths a year was excessive. Now, does that mean we were animals 2000 years ago? No.
Biologically and to a certain extent socially, we are. We're more intelligent, domineering, and social than the other species, which makes us the dominant ones. We're still animals - being on top of the food chain (and essentially being above the food chain altogether) doesn't make us some other sort of life form. We're just more social, much more so.
We ARE animals. Anyone who says no is a very misinformed and unintelligent person. Why don't we have a large nose like a rhino? it EVOLVED with it. We EVOLVED with a large brain, the ultimate evolutionary key. With it, we were able to defeat other advantages that other species had attained. we've conquered the world thanks to it, and taken our territory from other animals'. What we do is exactly what occurs in the wild, we fight for land, we get in fights over women, and we attempt to intimidate through changing our appearance. I can imagine though, a potential chance that another animal will evolve something that will defeat our brains.