Thought instead of continuing to thread jack the topic on abortion I would move this discussion into it's own thread.
The question is, are Humans animals? Can we even be compared to animals?
If we are not animals then what are we?
An argument was put forth we are socially not animals. On this I have to ask what is it socially that makes us truly that different? We pursue things just for the sheer pleasure of it? we see this behavior in other animals so that can't be it.
Another argument was we are not animals because unlike animals we have souls. If this is the case then what is a soul? What proof is there that such a thing even exists?
We are preatty much animals since to animals we would be a animal and to us they are the animals even though we do alot more then animals we are consiterd animals.
There are more and less evolved forms of life. At the beginning there were Prokaryote organisms, then eukaryote and after million of years here we are.
There are more and less evolved forms of life. At the beginning there were Prokaryote organisms, then eukaryote and after million of years here we are.
First of all I was referring to modern day animals. Second just because an animal evolved sooner or is less complex doesn't mean it's less evolved.
Let's just say hypothetically shapes evolve like living organisms. Now you have a square hole and a hexagon hole, these whole represent the different ecological niches. Since a square hole exists then a square would eventually evolve to fill that niche and the same goes for the hexagon hole resulting in a hexagon evolving. While one is more complex then the other and as such is more likely to evolve later, neither is more evolved then the other they simply fill different niches.
A bumblebee is not aware of it's own IDENTITY, seperate from the hive.
I suppose, however we can still point to other animals besides humans who most definitely are aware of there own identity.