The ideal government for me, would be fundamentally liberal, but with enough of a socialist backdrop to ensure equality of opportunity. That means starting with one standard school, which splits into tiers over time, depending on their meritocratic performance. There would also be the necessities of life offered to all that do their part in society (welfare would be revamped to encourage employment.) However incentives will be offered to harder and more demanding jobs, thus providing drive to earn merit.
This borrows greatly from Plato's Republic, but I still stand by it: a world in which power is not arbitrarily inherited, or won by luck, but instead it is the product of talent and effort, showing that someone is capable to lead wisely. This system has its flaws, mainly in corruption. But corruption is a common factor in nearly all real governments, so I guess it can be ''canceled'' out for the moment in order to compare and contrast the ''rightness'' of the system.
My IDeal Goverment is simple. and that is No Goverment. I'll explain my Reasoning now.
A goverment, in a IDEALOGICAL sense, and I am thankful for this topic.... I've been dying to talk in it.
in a idealogical sense, is suppsoed to manage resources, Military affairs, keep order and keep rivarlies and feuds justified under their watchful eyes.They are supposed to offer services and Life giving resources. They are supposed to keep people safe from whatever problem, and to lead them. Goverments may do whatever is in their power to do this. They may institute taxes and other payments to keep this operation afloat.
Why have many goverments not done this!? Then I realize it. Goverments aren't controlled by super smart people. They are controlled by people. People that may, or may not be, either more, or less corrupt then ourselves. Often it is more corrupt. Goverments are often controlled by men or women that have the mentality of a four year old in terms of control. They want it this way, for their own personal gain. They do nto even grasp the fact of Politics, let alone of governing a whole nation. They make people work long, endless hours, to get their plans forged so they can continue of being a embarrassment to us all.
Then there is more good natured leaders. Good examples are John F Kennedy,Sala'aden, King Henry the VII, Roman Emperor Augustus Ceasar, Mabye even Obama.
But these leaders come in a blue Moon. And really, the people who do this work, are civil servants, not the goverment itself. People say we may need head. That is true. But the Head is these workers. A ideal goverment, would be one where we have a council. A council where diffrent Higher ups in Society, Such as Fire Cheifs, Police Commanders, Military Generals, Master Surgeons, Electric Supply and Research Managers and others, all gather, with their respective groups, and with the common citzenry, decide on matters. This way, the choice is more open. The problem is, it may need a lot of orgnization. But dont we do this ourselves anyways? dont we go to huge meeting and such anyways? who plans these meetings? and it is not always the goverment, but rather another person. It could be a CEO another employee, a family member, or what not.
Its a Sandbox Idea to me, not one that will for sure work. But it has a chance.
The ideal government for me, would be fundamentally liberal, but with enough of a socialist backdrop to ensure equality of opportunity. That means starting with one standard school, which splits into tiers over time, depending on their meritocratic performance. There would also be the necessities of life offered to all that do their part in society (welfare would be revamped to encourage employment.) However incentives will be offered to harder and more demanding jobs, thus providing drive to earn merit.
This sounds alot like the Venus Project at the end of Zeitgeist 2. Im all for this kinda goverment. Im a musician and would be happy spending the rest of my life entertaining people. If its how I lived I would be damn good at it too.
This sounds alot like the Venus Project at the end of Zeitgeist 2. Im all for this kinda goverment. Im a musician and would be happy spending the rest of my life entertaining people. If its how I lived I would be **** good at it too.
I'm not sure about Zeitgeist 2, but I certainly think that it would be the most preferable form of government, in terms of fairness and equality of opportunity.