ForumsWEPRIf America was invaded!

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Here is an interesting question, what if America was invaded by land, by another huge army. What I am saying is if both the east and west coast were invaded by millions of foot soldiers that would move across the entire country. Think of this if like a D-Day happened in America. So where would you go? What would you do? Would you fight or hide? Hey you never know if this could happen but America would probably have a nuke war before this happens.

  • 393 Replies
1,714 posts

Which can not be done without the support of local population.
If locals are against you, you'll be hamburger in no time.

Not true. All you need is a small group of people who know how to survive without help, then it doesn't matter what the local population wants.
1,826 posts

Not true. All you need is a small group of people who know how to survive without help, then it doesn't matter what the local population wants.

be my guest in trying that
385 posts

Yeah DirtyCodingHabitz is right Amarica would stop the bulk before they got to us and then destroy the rest and then hit the country so hard the would be bent over for decades to come... Let me put it like this Russia is the only place that has more Nukes then us and they wouldn't hit us because we could destroy them and leave them as dust (because only half of russia is actually populated all the rest is just a desert).

5,129 posts

be my guest in trying that

about all households.

Amarica would stop the bulk before they got to us and then destroy the rest

not when enoufg attack. there is only so much any army can stand to.
all army's have a breaking point.

then hit the country so hard the would be bent over for decades to come... Let me put it like this Russia is the only place that has more Nukes then us

so you say usa should nuke every country that attacks them.
we sure need this sort of violent regime out of our society.

and they wouldn't hit us because we could destroy them and leave them as dust (because only half of russia is actually populated all the rest is just a desert).

and you think the rest of the world wouldn't mind you doing that?
by nuking russia untill it entirly destoryed. you will send nuclear clouds across the globe. harming evrything that lives.
in revege usa will get destroyed.

only usa already nuked innocend people befor. and ive seen people try to talk that right. when the usa does this just 1 more time they sure will become outcasts in the world society. there is no way you can talk that right.
1,826 posts

ETA and IRA used guerrilla warfare, but most of local populations did not support them.
(support the idea but not the actions at the begin, and later on stoped supporting the idea aswell.)

with loss of support came there downfall(IRA ain't as active as before and whats ETA?)
3,592 posts

Face facts the US is the largest export of weaponry so conscription would be no problem since their would be enough weapons for every able man and then again the US has so many allies and is located in a good area plus the US has many bases scattered across the country it'd take forever to take over the US without the help of many countries and we also have the biggest navy so a naval strike won't work.

1,714 posts

not when enoufg attack. there is only so much any army can stand to.
all army's have a breaking point.

The breaking point of the US's army is well beyond what our current enemies are capable of. What most people don't realize is that we have a massive defense built up, it won't stop individuals very well but it will stop an army easily.

only usa already nuked innocend people befor. and ive seen people try to talk that right.

If reports of the time are to be believed more would have died if we hadn't nuked. Not saying I agree with nukes though.

when the usa does this just 1 more time they sure will become outcasts in the world society.

Hopefully our government/military will remain stable enough the only time we might launch is if someone launches nukes at us, which is a death wish whether we launch or not.
5,129 posts
1,826 posts

Let me google that for you.

5,129 posts

Face facts

face the fact that ALOT of the so called allies. do not like the usa as it is.

btw half of that army of yours is payed for whit money you lend from other countrys.

The breaking point of the US's army is well beyond what our current enemies are capable of

dunno if all the usa hating countrys would come together and attack. i'm not so sure about your point.

also didn't i know we only talked about the current enemys.
what if russia,china,india and some more would attack?

What most people don't realize is that we have a massive defense built up

alot of your defense is located outside the usa. what if those countrys turn against you? they just take over your bases and use the denfese for themself.

it won't stop individuals very well but it will stop an army easily.

protection from individuals is near imposible. there are always a few that pass by.

If reports of the time

you mean he time of heavy/obvius usa propaganda?

with loss of support came there downfall

ETA was still active more then 10 year after most of the population lost the support. only recently it seems they have stoped. but they are unpredictable and it sure wouldn't surprice me they hit hard again in a few year. (not the 1st time they stoped attacks)
1,714 posts

dunno if all the usa hating countrys would come together and attack. i'm not so sure about your point.

Most of the countries that openly hate the US aren't capable of working together because they hate each other as well.

also didn't i know we only talked about the current enemys.
what if russia,china,india and some more would attack?

Russia is having serious issues now, and even during the height of the cold war wouldn't have been able to beat the US. China and India have huge armies, but lack the technological advantage the US has. Working together they probably could, but separately they wouldn't stand a chance.

alot of your defense is located outside the usa. what if those countrys turn against you? they just take over your bases and use the denfese for themself.

Most of our defense is in the country. While we have bases and equipment all over the world, most of it is here in the US. And what exists in those bases would be nearly useless in attacking us.

you mean he time of heavy/obvius usa propaganda?

Except they weren't. The reports calculated the cost of a land invasion and found it to be totally impractical in terms of military and civilians killed.
3,592 posts

what if Russia,China,India and some more would attack?

good point Russia has the most tanks in the world and China has the biggest marching army yeah we'd last a few months XD but we'd put up one hell of a fight wouldn't we >.>?
but then again china's economy would fall since we make many of their jobs and china might break apart so china would become less of a threat if that happened.
1,826 posts

ETA was still active more then 10 year after most of the population lost the support. only recently it seems they have stoped. but they are unpredictable and it sure wouldn't surprice me they hit hard again in a few year. (not the 1st time they stoped attacks)

I don't know much about it, I think they are more like al qaida now.
I based my point on the fact that the only reason Pak army decided against geurilla warfare in 1971 was bcoz they knew locals are against them in former east pakistan.
Exact words were
#1"Let's make dhaka stalingrad."
#2" We can't locals are against us, its siucide."
(Ref witness to surrender by Siddique salik)(I read it in Urdu but it is also available in eng)
5,129 posts

Most of the countries that openly hate the US aren't capable of working together because they hate each other as well.

hehe good point =P
however those countrys that are smart enoufg to not hate you openly are also smart enoufg to stay friends whit eatchother while attacking the usa. for the same sake they keep being friends whit usa all this time.

you know those friendships right? where you actualy hate the guy but you have to stay friends for the beter. (until it's not needed anymore)

and even during the height of the cold war wouldn't have been able to beat the US.

the cold war was a political war. not a actual war. the usa never shot a russian and a russian never shot a american.
cold war is not a actual war.

Working together they probably could, but separately they wouldn't stand a chance.

i don't think any smart nation will try to attack alone. if a invasion will happen it's almost sure that it will be by more then 1 nation.

they just have to add army's together untill it outnumbers the usa army.

Except they weren't. The reports calculated the cost of a land invasion and found it to be totally impractical in terms of military and civilians killed.

aka it costs to much, let's just nuke it.

it the kind of regime i am against.

china's economy would fall since we make many of their jobs and china might break apart so china would become less of a threat if that happened.

usa is not the only place in the world that buys from china. they have the whole world to sell their goods to. sure they will find other countrys to sell to when the usa is gone.

I based my point on the fact that the only reason Pak army decided against geurilla warfare in 1971 was bcoz they knew locals are against them in former east pakistan.

thats why i said "depends"

i think it depends on the kind of country they fight. and what kind of tactics they use. ETA couldn't be like al qaida. because they opperate in very dense populated areas. (middle of madrit for example)

1 geurilla tactic can't be compared whit a other. there is to much difference in them. and location + landscape is a big part of it.
1,714 posts

however those countrys that are smart enoufg to not hate you openly are also smart enoufg to stay friends whit eatchother while attacking the usa. for the same sake they keep being friends whit usa all this time.

you know those friendships right? where you actualy hate the guy but you have to stay friends for the beter. (until it's not needed anymore)

Yeah I know about that, but you would have to be in a situation where taking out the US wouldn't destroy the world economy, which would make attacking the US a waste of time.

the cold war was a political war. not a actual war. the usa never shot a russian and a russian never shot a american.
cold war is not a actual war.

Doesn't matter, both sides were ready for war and armed to the teeth. Russia has only lost military power since then, the US's has kept growing.

i don't think any smart nation will try to attack alone. if a invasion will happen it's almost sure that it will be by more then 1 nation.

they just have to add army's together untill it outnumbers the usa army.

Even with numbers it would be hard, we have an ocean on the east and west with a huge navy guarding both. The only way the numbers would really matter would be if they went through Canada or Mexico, and neither would be very helpful in the end.

aka it costs to much, let's just nuke it.

it the kind of regime i am against.

It wasn't a monetary cost, they predicted more people would die in an invasion than would die with a nuke.
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