
310 49329
123 posts

I do not feel very comfortable around homosexual people, I feel like there out to get my bum haha. I really dont understand why i feel like this, whenever i spot a homo i stay as far away as i can. I feel homophobia is just a natural reaction to something you dont like, for example snakes or spiders its just a phobia. I think that this phobia will never go away in alot of people, just because its natural. Although many people over come their phobias. What do ou all think of homophobia or phobias at all?

  • 310 Replies
5,001 posts

I think you are right about religion. Wouldn't it be an amazing world if everyone felt they could be who they truly are without being ridiculed?

1,281 posts

As for me, it depends on what kkind of homosexual that I'm looking at. If I have to be told the man is a homosexual, then usually i have no problem.
But there was this one time, taking my dog to a kennel, Where this guy was acting very gay, and when he reached over my shoulder to open to door behind me, i instinctively cringed.
So, i dont have a problem with most homosexuals, only flambouyant ones. Im sure many people are that way

803 posts

I think you are right about religion. Wouldn't it be an amazing world if everyone felt they could be who they truly are without being ridiculed?

Race and religion tear us apart. We discriminate each other just because they are different. Religion says homosexuals should go to Hell and look what happens. We won't even allow them marriage which I think is very pathetic. I mean what is going to change them if they get married? Has anyone seen I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry? I don't usually use movies for support but this movie shows a point. If I lost my wife and wanted someone to take care of my kids, I would look to my best friend. You can say that I could put it in a will but marriage seals the deal. I don't know, I am kind of going off topic here so I should stop.
199 posts

Im sure many people are that way

Many people are poor and uneducated, that doesn't make it right. You ought be shamed! Why do you cringe? He wasn't grabbing your butt or nibbling on your ear lobe, he just wanted to open the door so he could leave. I know nothing I say will change your discriminating ways, but I will tell you that you should try harder to accept people. What if you were gay and everyone cringed around you and you were just trying to be you? Wouldn't you feel bad?
136 posts


Don't go attacking someone because they admitted a slip up. Everyone has them at least once in a while.


First off, hey girl. I've been gone a while, blame the NAVY for that. But I'm back now.

Second, the argument earlier that you had experimental data supporting the projection of fear with the repression of true fealings, well researched. In my experience that is true. The most homophabic people I've ever met turned out to either be g@y or bi.

@everyone else

Please don't get me wrong when I say this. I think that for a large majority of people, anger and repression are a natural course of action. Here's why. If a person has been told something is wrong there whole life, they become adament and comformist to that idea. When they find out that they enjoy what is considered to be wrong anf it feals natural to them, in this case homosexuality, they revolt. In this act of rebellion they are not actually mad at the person for being g@y, they are mad that the person is open, happy, and not remorseful of it. They will project there anger to the point of violence, unfortunately, for them to hide there true self from others till they come to grips with whats natural for them.

But, there are also cases of just misunderstanding and uneducation that lead a person to homophobia as well. If you were a small towm kid who was never taught or told anything about g@ys except what you've been told or seen on TV, than you wouldn't know how to handle someone being g@y around you. That can cause fear or anger from that lack of knowledge. In the 50's they had those educational video's, like the one's they had for drugs and alcohol, about homosexuals. In those video's g@ys were depicted as monsters. Peoplpe who prayed on children and innocent bystandars at night like a prowler, but of sex. Like Lewis Black joked, "A group a gay men riding in a van, drivibng from house to house in robes and matching pumps, very taseful. A family sits down for evening meal and begins to pray, ten they breal in the house and start. F'ing everybody in the @$$. And once again, another American family is ruined. HAHAHAHA!"

199 posts

Don't go attacking someone because they admitted a slip up. Everyone has them at least once in a while.

That wasn't a "slip up" that was a reaction. A slip up is telling a gay joke around a gay friend. Cringing when a gay person is near you is NOT a slip up, I repeat, NOT a slip up!


STOP! The word is "GAY". G-A-Y! This debate is not an email address, so please stop.

Those informational videos were so horrible back then. People should be ashamed of themselves for making those hate inspiring videos.
139 posts

STOP! The word is "GAY". G-A-Y! This debate is not an email address, so please stop.

Ha, ha, ha! I think the only reason he was saying that is because "gay" used to be censored, so you had to say "g@y" or "ga.y" instead.

That way we could REDUCE the amount of the same arguments and move on to other things.

I have a feeling the people who raise the same arguements are the people who won't read that. It would be nice though, you know, for those of us who do read.

So, i dont have a problem with most homosexuals, only flambouyant ones.

"I don't have a problem with it as long as I don't have to see it." What? Is ignorance really bliss?

Anyway, back to Asherlee's post: I'm not surprised either. Like some people have said there probably aren't very many exclusively straight (or gay, for that matter) people. "To hate another is to hate a small part of yourself." I'm paraphrasing.
2,150 posts

Here's how I see it.

Everyone is gay to an extent. I have never seen a male with all female friends and vise versa. I think that homophobia is based on an ignorant and prejudice belief that "gay people are going to turn the world gay" or because the Christian bible says that being gay is wrong. I am an atheist so I obviously don't own a bible, so I am not certain that's in there. Homophobia is just stupid and we could spend a lot more time and money going after true criminals like breaking down drug rings or going after Osama, but the most important thing, apparently, is gay people! It is stupid and I feel sorry for all the gay people. I have never met a gay guy that has ever done wrong.

3,722 posts

I think it is wrong to be afraid of them. Even if the think being homosexual is wrong (like i do), it's not right to hate them, be sacred of them, shun them, or anything else.

803 posts

That wasn't a "slip up" that was a reaction. A slip up is telling a gay joke around a gay friend. Cringing when a gay person is near you is NOT a slip up, I repeat, NOT a slip up!

Well, I would like to say that I have cringed before when someone reached over my shoulder. It wasn't because he was homosexual or anything. I just wasn't expecting it and a hand moving past my face creeped me out a bit. Maybe I have paranoia haha.

What? Is ignorance really bliss?

There are so many ignorant people on here. That is the only reason these homosexual topics are brought back. Some ignorant person posts saying they hate homosexuals and we all try to make them change their mind but it really never works.
199 posts

There are so many ignorant people on here. That is the only reason these homosexual topics are brought back. Some ignorant person posts saying they hate homosexuals and we all try to make them change their mind but it really never works.

The truth HAS been spoken! This site seems to be an outlet for hate for most kids. Really, this audience is a much younger one. I think that as these people who are spreading the hate mature, they will change their views.
803 posts

The truth HAS been spoken! This site seems to be an outlet for hate for most kids. Really, this audience is a much younger one. I think that as these people who are spreading the hate mature, they will change their views.

Well, I think there are two reasons why someone is ignorant on here.

1) They actually feel that way and are too stubborn to change.

2) They like picking fights with people on the internet just to cause stress.
3,722 posts

Wow. I ACTUALLY agree with WeeMan147 on something :0

1,562 posts

Why must we label anyone who doesn't agree with the lifestyle of a homosexual person ignorant or immature?

It is ok to disagree with the life style of a homosexual person. but most people that are younger and don't have as much life experience think that because they disagree with homosexuality, that they should hate all homosexuals.

And just because you disagree with something that a person does, doesn't mean you should hate the person because you disagree with it.

107 posts

Why must we label anyone who doesn't agree with the lifestyle of a homosexual person ignorant or immature?

I don't think anyone here has done that. If someone said "I can appreciate the difference between my lifestyle and theirs" I doubt that person would be labeled ignorant and immature.
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