no-et-ic: From the Greek noÄ"sis/ noÄ"tikos, meaning inner wisdom, direct knowing, or subjective understanding. As defined by the philosopher William James in 1902, noetic refers to "states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority..."
sci-ence: Systems of acquiring knowledge that use observation, experimentation, and replication to describe and explain natural phenomena
no-et-ic sci-ences:A multidisciplinary field that brings objective scientific tools and techniques together with subjective inner knowing to study the full range of human experience. __________ Well, for those of you who havn't read Dan Browns new book 'The Lost Symbol'*, then you don't know that it mentions Noetic Science(See above definitions). Well, I looked into this, and found a few interesting things. A few of their therorys are:
1) That thoughts have mass 2) That thoughts can affect people, objects, and actions 3) And (most interestingly) that the Human Soul can be weighed**
So, I did a bit of research, and got thinking (wondrous, isn't it)*** and found that these could either be amazing results, and change the entire way we (human kind) view the world and go through science, or could be the biggest peice of bologna that will never get mentioned.
So, what are your thoughts on this?
Oh, Heres a website:
__________ * revolves around Noetic Science. Wasnt that good actually...
** I actually kinda stole this from the book, but the forenote mentions that all organizations, groups, projects, ect, etc, are real ...
*** I actually do think, you just never see the results of it. Maby I get overshadowed, or maby... Duh-Duh-DUHHHHHH
we now know that the act of mere observation can alter an experiment.Explain that
I can't. I can't explain everything.
[/quote]ust because we cant comprehend the topic doesnt mean it should be pushed aside without some thought.
If you can't comprehend something then why try? Pragmatism. If the knowledge doesn't have a practical use you're better off not knowing. It would just get in the way of more important things.
Oh and by the way, I can comprehend it, it is just stupid.
[quote]1) That thoughts have mass 2) That thoughts can affect people, objects, and actions 3) And (most interestingly) that the Human Soul can be weighed**
These are the 3 interesting things he stated. One this "science" is not a science. It is a pseudoscience just like Astrology.
If we cannot prove a human soul exists in an experiment, then how are we to prove this soul has mass?
A "thought" is an abstract term. It is like the word "mind"
Your brain is physical, your mind is an idea. Your thoughts are an idea, electrical impulses that travel through Neurons are the concrete form of your thoughts. can electricity have mass? I do not know. If so then yes your thoughts have mass, if not then no they don't.
Finally the idea that your thoughts can affect people, objects, etc.
How can they affect these objects? Can they move them physically? Are you suggesting Telekinesis is possible?
we now know that the act of mere observation can alter an experiment.Explain that
I can't. I can't explain everything.
Just because we cant comprehend the topic doesnt mean it should be pushed aside without some thought.
If you can't comprehend something then why try? Pragmatism. If the knowledge doesn't have a practical use you're better off not knowing. It would just get in the way of more important things.
Oh and by the way, I can comprehend it, it is just stupid.
1) That thoughts have mass 2) That thoughts can affect people, objects, and actions 3) And (most interestingly) that the Human Soul can be weighed**
These are the 3 interesting things he stated. One this "science" is not a science. It is a pseudoscience just like Astrology. If we cannot prove a human soul exists in an experiment, then how are we to prove this soul has mass? A "thought" is an abstract term. It is like the word "mind" Your brain is physical, your mind is an idea. Your thoughts are an idea, electrical impulses that travel through Neurons are the concrete form of your thoughts. can electricity have mass? I do not know. If so then yes your thoughts have mass, if not then no they don't. Finally the idea that your thoughts can affect people, objects, etc. How can they affect these objects? Can they move them physically? Are you suggesting Telekinesis is possible?
The 2nd thing Mav listed is completely true. If I think I want a cookie, I am affected in my longing for a cookie. If I think I want a cookie, I may move and get a cookie, therefore affecting the cookie. And thinking I want a cookie causes me to get up to get a cookie. However, it's all indirect.
I define thoughts as single subjects of information in my head. Little bits and pieces of my knowledge. Thoughts never go away, although you get them all the time. Let's just say you have a lot of thoughts in your head, you just don't think of them all at once.
But when we say that there is no real measurement to a thought, we could have many to few. It could all be one single thought, since we never stop thinking, or it could all be tiny pieces, therefore we could not possibly make a number or say a lot, or few.
But when we say that there is no real measurement to a thought, we could have many to few. It could all be one single thought, since we never stop thinking, or it could all be tiny pieces, therefore we could not possibly make a number or say a lot, or few.
You have more than one thought although you never stop thinking.
To use your writing example, each thought is a sentence. A paragraph is a compilation of thoughts related to a main idea/subject, and on like that.
If I think I want a cookie, I am affected in my longing for a cookie. If I think I want a cookie, I may move and get a cookie, therefore affecting the cookie. And thinking I want a cookie causes me to get up to get a cookie. However, it's all indirect.
I do see that thoughts affect object in an indirect manner. But he gave me the impression he meant directly.
The other points? Total BS, ABCBOP.
By the way, I don't beleive electricity has mass, therefore the idea that thoughts have mass is definetly wrong.
I'll have to see if I can find a link to it but I remember reading about a guy who actually tried to weight the human soul. He did this by placing a person who was near death on a scale taking there weight before death and again after. the results were the death body had actually gained weight rather then lost weight.
Which people could still argue the fact that that proves there is a soul (I'm not arguing)
Other way around. If souls have weight and they leave the body after death, then dead bodies would weight less than they did while living (not counting weight differences due to embalming) so either the soul stays in the body after death, eats some donuts and gets fat or there isn't a soul, or at least souls aren't measurable by physical means.