ForumsWEPRNoetic Science(s)

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no-et-ic: From the Greek noÄ"sis/ noÄ"tikos, meaning inner wisdom, direct knowing, or subjective understanding. As defined by the philosopher William James in 1902, noetic refers to "states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority..."

sci-ence: Systems of acquiring knowledge that use observation, experimentation, and replication to describe and explain natural phenomena

no-et-ic sci-ences:A multidisciplinary field that brings objective scientific tools and techniques together with subjective inner knowing to study the full range of human experience.

Well, for those of you who havn't read Dan Browns new book 'The Lost Symbol'*, then you don't know that it mentions Noetic Science(See above definitions). Well, I looked into this, and found a few interesting things. A few of their therorys are:

1) That thoughts have mass
2) That thoughts can affect people, objects, and actions
3) And (most interestingly) that the Human Soul can be weighed**

So, I did a bit of research, and got thinking (wondrous, isn't it)*** and found that these could either be amazing results, and change the entire way we (human kind) view the world and go through science, or could be the biggest peice of bologna that will never get mentioned.

So, what are your thoughts on this?

Oh, Heres a website:

* revolves around Noetic Science. Wasnt that good actually...

** I actually kinda stole this from the book, but the forenote mentions that all organizations, groups, projects, ect, etc, are real ...

*** I actually do think, you just never see the results of it. Maby I get overshadowed, or maby... Duh-Duh-DUHHHHHH

  • 37 Replies
1,751 posts

I'll have to see if I can find a link to it but I remember reading about a guy who actually tried to weight the human soul. He did this by placing a person who was near death on a scale taking there weight before death and again after. the results were the death body had actually gained weight rather then lost weight.

This means that the soul is like air, pushing you up. Or that the systems keep you up.

One question: How are thoughts measured? are they measured by sentence, topics, words, etc?

Like bites on the computer. Each idea we ever had always leaves a memory.
5,552 posts

you have a lot of thoughts in a day. Billions at least.

Do you mean coherent thoughts or just those intuitive ones. I know that whenever I think about what im typing or something that I hear it in my head, but does everyone? I also know that when im doing other things, math, puzzles, stuff like that, I don't have any thoughts in my head, I just KNOW how to do them. That's why I hate it whenever someone asks me how to do something like a puzzle or a math problem, I can't explain it because I just do it. Also, a billion is a ton of thoughts, you can't even COUNT to 1 billion in your life time.

ke bites on the computer. Each idea we ever had always leaves a memory.

A memory is a connection between neurons or whatever you call them in your brain that leave a &quotattern" therefore, constituting as a memory. In this case, I suppose that you could measure thoughts, but the only difference would be whatever it is that connects them is gained. The neurons are already there, so what comes in and connects it?

I'll have to see if I can find a link to it but I remember reading about a guy who actually tried to weight the human soul. He did this by placing a person who was near death on a scale taking there weight before death and again after. the results were the death body had actually gained weight rather then lost weight.

This sounds to me like the guy didn't know how to use a scale. Plus, what would the difference be? .00000000000000000000000000000000000001? As far as I know, no scale can measure to past a billionth of a gram.
140 posts

No wonder blond girls are so skinny.

9,462 posts

It would seem my hearing that the body gained weight was incorrect. The bodies did lose weight.

Soul Man
Duncan MacDougall
Duncan MacDougall

187 posts

Are you sure the body didn't lose weight from the water inside him evaporating?

5,552 posts

Are you sure the body didn't lose weight from the water inside him evaporating?

He said that he weighed him right before he died and right after, no time for evaporation. And also, it still sounds like the guy didn't know how to use a scale, or he weighed the guy first with clothes on and then on the table when they prepare you for the morgue they weighed him with no clothes. Still think it's bogus, because if it was true, there would be way more than 1 example of it, and even still I probably wouldn't believe it because of this.

Plus, what would the difference be? .00000000000000000000000000000000000001? As far as I know, no scale can measure to past a billionth of a gram.
1,751 posts

Also, a billion is a ton of thoughts, you can't even COUNT to 1 billion in your life time.

I mean unconsious thoughts also. Every little movement of the body, every bit of information collected and every atomatic thought is a seperate thought. Every little scan of memory goes throught milions of memories.

Example: if to smile takes aroud 24 musles, then there are 24 mucles only on the moving of the mucles.
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