no-et-ic: From the Greek noÄ"sis/ noÄ"tikos, meaning inner wisdom, direct knowing, or subjective understanding. As defined by the philosopher William James in 1902, noetic refers to "states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority..."
sci-ence: Systems of acquiring knowledge that use observation, experimentation, and replication to describe and explain natural phenomena
no-et-ic sci-ences:A multidisciplinary field that brings objective scientific tools and techniques together with subjective inner knowing to study the full range of human experience. __________ Well, for those of you who havn't read Dan Browns new book 'The Lost Symbol'*, then you don't know that it mentions Noetic Science(See above definitions). Well, I looked into this, and found a few interesting things. A few of their therorys are:
1) That thoughts have mass 2) That thoughts can affect people, objects, and actions 3) And (most interestingly) that the Human Soul can be weighed**
So, I did a bit of research, and got thinking (wondrous, isn't it)*** and found that these could either be amazing results, and change the entire way we (human kind) view the world and go through science, or could be the biggest peice of bologna that will never get mentioned.
So, what are your thoughts on this?
Oh, Heres a website:
__________ * revolves around Noetic Science. Wasnt that good actually...
** I actually kinda stole this from the book, but the forenote mentions that all organizations, groups, projects, ect, etc, are real ...
*** I actually do think, you just never see the results of it. Maby I get overshadowed, or maby... Duh-Duh-DUHHHHHH
For something to have mass, there needs to be at least one electron given in a thought. Indirectly, it can be from the electrical shocks given from the human brain in order to burn energy TO think. For me, thoughts are the purely-psychological inner workings of the brain given by using energy. But thoughts in itself doesn't have any protons, neutrons, or electrons, therefore, it cannot be an object, ergo, cannot be weighed in any kind of mass.
It would be rather hard to weigh a "soul" considering that we have never defined or seen indirectly anything that could be related to it. Thoughts we can measure and see by using other equipment and there have been several things that used thoughts to make an object move via electrical impulses from the brain activating said object. In an indirect way, I guess this could be considered true for all except the soul part because we have never been able to find or prove that such a thing exists.
I'm pretty sure a soul in the basic sense is the ego, the personality of the individual.
Something I missed: Thoughts affecting other people? Thoughts are only from one mind, and cannot physically or mentally transmute into another mind. There are confirmed, but unproven reports of twins that were able to know what their counterpart was thinking, and was able to solve "duo tests" separately.
I watched the discovery channel on it once. It was cool :-)
the biggest peice of bologna that will never get mentioned.
Well, maybe not the *biggest*, but it's pretty bad. Books like "The Secret" try and make this kind of stuff more modern by trying to throw quantum physics under the bus, but it's all malarkey until someone can prove it actually works...
no-et-ic sci-ences:A multidisciplinary field that brings objective scientific tools and techniques together with subjective inner knowing to study the full range of human experience.
....sounds like a load of philosophical junk with science stuck at the end to me =P
For an invisible "art" of you to have mass is pretty insane... as in complete bull. And how can your thoughts have mass?! It's completely fake.
Visibility has nothing to do with it. Gases have mass. You have gases inside of you.
Question: If thoughts have mass did Einstein have heavier thoughts than me? Or was he heavier due to more frequen thoughts? Did he have more thoughts at all? Or were they just more intelligent...
I think this idea is completely preposterous. If thoughts have mass, your head would probably explode. Do you know how many thoughts you have in a day? Oh and those thoughts get stored in your memory, so if this theory were true, your head would be the size of mars. lol
Its time to stop thinking of these ideas being proposterous and start looking into them. Just because we cant comprehend the topic doesnt mean it should be pushed aside without some thought.
And as I recall... we now know that the act of mere observation can alter an experiment. Explain that.
If an atom bumps onto any mass, either the mass goes flying away or the atom does, or either. Brain science has being going on for decades and as Flippin3500 said, you have a lot of thoughts in a day. Billions at least.