Sigh. Why did this have to happen? As if we aren't in debt enough. Sure we aren't as screwed as Japan is per person thanks to when they tried to spend their way out of a Depression in the 90s but we sure are catching up to them.
I believe it still has to go through a Senate. But okay.
Wrong. More like
It is reform. Whether it is good or not remains to be seen, if it is indeed signed into law. But of course, no one will EVER read the entire thing. Ever. It is too long. This is the failing. They passed it not knowing what is in the entire bill. So
The only restrictions I say should be on that matter are to prevent it being used as birth control. Otherwise, it should be a free market.
Well, I've heard (my sources may be wrong, correct me if so) that it's going to use tax-payer dollars to pay for abortion, and I don't think that's fair since it's not really a resolved issue. Besides, anybody using it as birth control could say they were raped, so there's no way to stop them unless you restricted that too; and if you support abortion in the right circumstances, I'm betting that's one of them.
What I see on this issue a lot is conservatives saying this bill will make everything worse and benefit no one, and the liberals saying this bill will make everything better and make it worse for no one. No benefit comes without drawbacks, and same thing vice versa. I literally went on AOL and found two sides to the story. The Democrat version said, "The more the American people learn about the bill, the more they like it." The Republican version said, "Is it any wonder that the more the American people learn about the bill, the less they like it?" I'm not big on economics, so I really don't know what to think. All I know is that I cannot in good conscience support this bill that I don't understand, especially when the interpretations of it are completely different coming from both sides. Anybody who wants to respond to this post, just remember: the side you choose to take on the bill is either influenced by your political standpoint or your own interpretation of the bill. Neither of those can really convince me, unless you can break down both sets of logic, show me where yours succeeds, and show me where the opposing logic fails.
All I know is that I cannot in good conscience support this bill that I don't understand, especially when the interpretations of it are completely different coming from both sides.
Thats why I usually make my decisions based on the facts, not what people say. However on this case the bill is huge and I doubt most congress people read it all the way through. Also with the way republicans are threatened by it and the rate of lies they try to add to, I completely support it just to see them squirm. I'm not really a democrat, as my views change based on facts, but recently I haven't like anything the republicans have to say and way to many of the ones in power act stupid(in my opinion anyways).
I have never seen a more retarded reason to support something. Just, wow.
I supported most of the original version, then they changed it and I stopped paying attention. Then the republicans attacked it like dogs, so now I give it my full support.
I have a feeling that you wont be feeling this way in a while... This healthcare thing seems to me like the start of all government ran business, first it's the schools, then healthcare, then insurance, so on so forth.
Again, a rather retarded reason to support something.
Good thing that isn't my full reason for supporting it, I support some of it because I think it will work, I support the rest of it because of the republican reaction. Please read the entire post and THINK about it before responding this time.
if you think public schools are a bad thing, then i have no confidence in any opinions of yours.
in regards to the topic: it's overall a good thing, we need some control in the health care industry. a step beginning the change we need (even though it sounds corny and I'm plagiarizing Obama).
But of course, no one will EVER read the entire thing. Ever. It is too long. This is the failing. They passed it not knowing what is in the entire bill.
the reason this bill took so long to pass, and why so many take so long to pass, is that the entire thing was read. this bill started off in the spring, it's been half a year since the main bulk of it has been presented. that main part has been edited maybe twice, but other than that it's been mostly just additions (earmarks, abortion, etc) and deletions.
it's too important of a bill for the Republicans not to read-- they search for mistakes, another reason to pick it apart.
I personally think that the schools should be privatized. It disappointments me that classical education is hardly ever used anymore. The only way they read classic works of art is if they do it in their own time.
I won't be happy with congress until they get all the illegals out of our country. That they still haven't dealt with immigration after all these years amazes me.
Good thing that isn't my full reason for supporting it, I support some of it because I think it will work, I support the rest of it because of the republican reaction. Please read the entire post and THINK about it before responding this time.
That's not really a good reason to support the bill, even if it isn't your full reason. Standpoints on issues should affect your decision, not basic politics. It doesn't matter WHO says something, but WHAT is being said. That's something I think most people have a hard time trying to do, but you should never purposely take a standpoint just to disagree with someone.
That's not really a good reason to support the bill, even if it isn't your full reason. Standpoints on issues should affect your decision, not basic politics. It doesn't matter WHO says something, but WHAT is being said. That's something I think most people have a hard time trying to do, but you should never purposely take a standpoint just to disagree with someone.
I did originally support it for what was in it, but it changed and I was too lazy to keep up with what it was changing to. As for the what was said, not who, what about the things the republicans were saying was true/worth hearing/had any sign of intelligence? I do support the bill for what it says and what I believe it can do for the country, but the republicans failed so bad in their response that I support it even more than I would if they hadn't gone nuts.