I just happened to hear it on CNN, couldn't believe it. So I looked on the site and found the article [url]http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/space/11/13/water.moon.nasa/index.html[/url]
What do you guys and gals think about that? What does it mean for the future of the Earth? Humantiy?
This will make any lunar outpost cheaper and possibly easier depending on how easy it is to extract the water in large amounts. And its not really a world event.
It can be transformed into other compounds we can use, such as oxygen (There is oxygen in water) and fuel(hydrogen). Because of this, we can easily support life on a moon base with the aid of water on the moon.
Water means this: It can be transformed into other compounds we can use, such as oxygen (There is oxygen in water) and fuel(hydrogen). Because of this, we can easily support life on a moon base with the aid of water on the moon.
What he said .But yeah we probably live their in about 50 years or more or less
Actually, the first life was bacteria that did not need air. In fact, they are what led to the creation of the atmosphere. As to the water being on the dark side of the moon, I can understand that because it is constantly frozen and we would not be able to see it. If the article had said something about it being where we could see it I would have thought it faked. But, it makes sense, as far as I know no one has gone to the dark side of the moon till now.
Actually, the first life was bacteria that did not need air. In fact, they are what led to the creation of the atmosphere. As to the water being on the dark side of the moon, I can understand that because it is constantly frozen and we would not be able to see it. If the article had said something about it being where we could see it I would have thought it faked. But, it makes sense, as far as I know no one has gone to the dark side of the moon till now.
Ok, so it would make it easier for a moonbase? Since it is on the dark side of the Moon I would guess that we would have to build a pipline of sorts, because I'm not sure we could live on the darkside.
It can be transformed into other compounds we can use, such as oxygen (There is oxygen in water) and fuel(hydrogen). Because of this, we can easily support life on a moon base with the aid of water on the moon.
This is a huge world event. Although I don't know if Obama is big on space exploration...
NASA says we're going to be living there by 2020, but it seems a bit unrealistic to me.
It would be VERY hard to actually live on the moon though, the moon spins just like earth, the dark side of the moon is about 50 degrees Celsius cooler they the light side of the moon, meaning we would need some pretty good shelter.
Isn't this already accomplished on space stations?
The real problem is radiation. If you were to, say, live on a moonbase for about 3 years, chances are you would die from radiation that exsists in space. The tactical advantage of having a lunar base is almost 0 when we could just send lunar rovers to get any data we need on the moon.