This kind of speaks for itself, but i'll explain my point. During the past hundred years or so, teenagers are reaching physical maturity faster than they used to, this is due to the artificial hormones and supplements in foods and drinks. This is becoming a problem in the views of some because you have physically mature people with the maturity level of a 13-14 year old or less. This has led to issues such as teenage pregnancy. Should we as a society adapt to this new change in human development or should we take out those hormones which are now an intergeral part of our business, food industry and drink companies? This is a very diverse subject so bring in anything you think supports your view or whether or not you even believe this to be true.
I really was hoping for a response before this night was over, but it's fine. I will be looking forward to viewing any comments from people tomorrow, goodnight. Sincerely, Evintheelf
I have never, ever heard anyone say that artificial hormones are making teenagers more physically mature than they are mentally mature. I really think it depends on each person's body type. Some people are tall, some fat, some skinny, some short, some slightly heavily-built, some crippled, some considered normal.
Although, this is a very interesting topic to read about. Thank you, Kasic.
Thats quite possible yes, but at the same time people of the younger age seem to take that for granted and not use the resources that are given to them for the cause of a greater good. Although they have the resources of information of the whole world at the click of a button and a few taps of the keys they never use it to learn, so yes, it may be possible to be achieved at a lower age but at the same time there are so few of them who actually do it that it doesnt make a very big difference in statistics.
so yes, it may be possible to be achieved at a lower age but at the same time there are so few of them who actually do it that it doesnt make a very big difference in statistics.
It doesn't matter much with statistics, it matters with the future significance of these earlier-matured people.
Well everyone is important to this planet, because even someone has to fill the crappy jobs. An example would be a kid who never really was the smartest, strongest, fastest, or just that good in general. But when he grows up he's going to be just as useful as the doctor who gives back life to his patients every day. Because even the crappy jobs like janitorial duty, or sewage cleaner, or plumber, or anything along those lines needs to be done by somebody, and at the same time I actually truthfully cant see a doctor being able to perform those simple duties because he's so skilled at what he does that he forgets the simple matters that we pass off to the 'lesser society' without thinking about them. So in the end, everyone will be able to find their place in society.
During the past hundred years or so, teenagers are reaching physical maturity faster than they used to, this is due to the artificial hormones and supplements in foods and drinks. This is becoming a problem in the views of some because you have physically mature people with the maturity level of a 13-14 year old or less. This has led to issues such as teenage pregnancy.
Sort of, but you're jumping the gun a bit. Expert consensus posits a slightly simpler hypothesis, that being that physical development (by which I presume you really mean onset of puberty), is made earlier by optimising or enriching nutritional intake in general, which I think means caloric, not just supplementation and artificial hormones. I daresay supplementation and artificial hormones play their own role, though since we're not 100% clear on the exact role of the relevant hormones (those being the androgens and estrogens, particularly testosterone and growth hormone), that's subject to a lot of debate.
The easiest measure cited for the basis of this argument is onset of menarche (a girl's first menstrual period) compared to relative affluence of a nation. I think the figures approximate that in the US, over the past century or so, the average age of menarche has dropped by a whopping 4 years or so (from 16 to 12). If somebody could find the figures and either verify this or correct me, that'd be awesome.
And of course on the flip side, you're right, as far as I can tell, nobody's thought of changes in development of mental maturity (i.e. by which I assume you mean neurological frontotemporal development, i.e. maturity of the parts of the brain associated with planning, decision making, weighing up pros and cons, considering consequences etc.) Details aside, perhaps there is room for concern, but given what I've said above, I doubt you'd find much support for the notion of reversing affluence to fix an evolving social 'roblem'.
Elaborate please. Accepting it may not be as easy as you think, there are stubborn people and others who consider things like this morally unethical.
Because it is. Just let nature do its course.
If someone wants to get pregnant and ruin their life, let them do it. No one needs to suffer from their stupidity anyway. Except some people allow it.
Not only does it spark problems for teenagers, but it is encouraged by them as well as they care more for physical maturity than mental. Which, as a consequence, has bred thousands of retarded and aggressive teenagers.
Mental Maturity, without a doubt, beats Physical Maturity by such a significant margin, I found odd the name of this, but then I saw your original post and saw a different subject entirely. But also, we eat and drink much healthier as well so that would also jump it, I would imagine.
I doubt you'd find much support for the notion of reversing affluence to fix an evolving social 'roblem'.
Sadly, I agree. You'll find little support in stopping this, and morals really don't become a factor in the world of business. Or the world, at all, when I think about it. - H
Can someone point me to an article saying that people nowadays mature faster physically than ever before? I don't know if this matters, but I know some older relatives such as my grandparents or others who got married at a young age. Actually, these teenagers who are getting pregnant would have probably been married if they were born back then, lol... Nowadays though, especially in America, you get married at a later age.
i hit physical amturity when i was 11 (yes 11) i had my first growth spurt at 12 (i hit the hieght of 176 cm then) and mental maturity is undetermined how can you know what a person is thinking of maybe he is thinking how the universe was created thinking about new ways to improve himself thinking about history thinking about some BIG can you know thats it YOU DONT mental maturity is pretty much personal from my point of view it isnt something you just say hey are you mentally mature...(i am 13 now hahaha)
I have a friend actualy who in like third grade finished maturing into an adualt(I can't spell that and physicaly not mentaly). Meanwhile it looks like evolution is taking it's time on me... I think it might be the food
I don't think kids these days physically mature much earlier than they used to, I believe that mental maturity is in the decline, much due to mass media consumption. Basically we are being taught to consume and obey from the early stages of development, and a child who is taught to adhere to its urges and take any form of satisfaction it can get without thinking if it's really what it needs, then at the first hint of sexual urges we all get when we begin to grow up, the child (now a teenager) will more likely try to satisfy those urges. With enough of internet porn telling him exactly how to do it, and with the lack of critical thinking that would normally make him stop and think first, instead he jumps right on it. Critical thinking is developed through actual social experience, when you realize that not everything is how it seems, and those with a sense of critical thought are more likely to be more suspicious towards their urges, rather than just blindly obeying them. Most of the things young people track today (celebrity lifestyle, cheap shows and cartoons, as well as many popular videogames, I'm afraid) teach them little to nothing of such useful principles of thought. I'm still unsure of the effect social networking might have on the subject, and I welcome any opinions on the matter.
Also, I'm 19 and still find myself partially immature. Sometimes, it's not such a bad thing.