ForumsWEPRPhysical Maturity vs Mental Maturity

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This kind of speaks for itself, but i'll explain my point. During the past hundred years or so, teenagers are reaching physical maturity faster than they used to, this is due to the artificial hormones and supplements in foods and drinks. This is becoming a problem in the views of some because you have physically mature people with the maturity level of a 13-14 year old or less. This has led to issues such as teenage pregnancy. Should we as a society adapt to this new change in human development or should we take out those hormones which are now an intergeral part of our business, food industry and drink companies? This is a very diverse subject so bring in anything you think supports your view or whether or not you even believe this to be true.

  • 108 Replies
251 posts

Just quit while you are ahead. Please. Your posts make little sense and you obviously don't even fully understand most of the terms you use. Please just stop. The novelty has worn off and you have crossed the threshold into being thoroughly irritating, and I'm actually rather difficult to irritate.

You're the only one saying this, you obviously have an issue understanding my posts. I debate perfectly fine with other people on other forums and on here when you're not around but you seem to 'not comprehend' the language I'm using. Perhaps you don't know and I know, ever thought about that?
251 posts

"My friend" said he had his first pubes when he was 12. That's pretty young but there is no certain age for puberty since it depends on ones hormones.

12 is around the age your supposed to get them, the latest latest latest should be 14 for any normal teenage boy.
333 posts

You're the only one saying this, you obviously have an issue understanding my posts.

I agree with MRWalker, it's not trying to understand your posts though, it's trying to understand your illogical thinking, and that so far, everything you said, you have obviously not thought about clearly enough, as every post you make, turns you more and more in to an arrogant SOB, that in the end no one on this forum will like, nor want to speak to. People in this area have civilised conversations, yet you seem to tear the place up, guns blazing and continue to go off-topic, you do NOT know when to just sit down and shut up. That is all.

On Topic @holden:

Puberty can take place as late as 18 even 20 years old, but can start as young as 10 years old in some cases, there are no 'set dates' when puberty will & will not take place. It is more down to your bodily functions and how they change through your lifetime.
251 posts

you do NOT know when to just sit down and shut up. That is all.

I'm sitting down and I'm not talking, I am simply typing my thoughts.

Puberty can take place as late as 18 even 20 years old

Wouldn't 20 be considered a bit abnormal?
333 posts

I'm sitting down and I'm not talking, I am simply typing my thoughts.

This is the sort of immaturity i am on about, something which should be kept out of WEPR.

Wouldn't 20 be considered a bit abnormal?

No, not entirely as i stated, its down to one persons bodily functions.
Who wants to be normal anyway.
2 posts

SosolidClaws maybe you should take a step back and read what's being said other than firing off at every word said to you, and can we all stop trying to prove who's the best at debating and get back to the original subject.

I think what this is missing is a question because Physical Maturity vs Mental Maturity is just a subject. Are we trying to prove which is better or worse OR are we just discussing the two ideas?

4,005 posts

I think what this is missing is a question

Read the original post on page one. The query is posed there.
251 posts

Are we trying to prove which is better or worse OR are we just discussing the two ideas?

Well the original poster was asking us wether we should do something about the hormones in food or wether we should accept teen pregnancy etc. as a whole as part of an acceptable thing in society. Neither of those are a good answer though I believe things are alright the way they are now and it's not causing that many problems.
844 posts

Well,physical maturity will happen to everyone,won't it??But in some cases mental maturity doesn't occcur to everyone,so I Mental maturity.

184 posts

Meh, mental maturity occur to people who is curious. That's all. And some people is very curious to even have sex with they're own cousin at a young age. There's a case that 2 brothers (11 and 10 I think)fuck their own cousin after watching porn. I really think that teens at school should stick to kissing not having sex.

9,504 posts

Actually knowledge plays a part in your maturity.

knowledge is accumulated information. Anyone with a brain can do it. Mental maturity can determine how much you can acquire at one time (memory), and the rate at which you acquire and understand it (intelligence).
251 posts

If we didnt have those hormons to increase supply many people would be looking at food shortage.

That's not even remotely true.
184 posts

It's said that people use hormones to the livestock to get more food hence, food shortage.

15,053 posts

yes but that doesn't automatically equal food shortage they use hormones to make them beefier to get more money per cow

8 posts

Truthfully I think mental maturity and physical maturity have no connection at all. Your age has nothing to do with how fast you will mentally mature, I see people running around in their 30's and 40's pulling stupid childish and immature pranks. Sure acting like a kid is fun sometimes when youre and adult, but thats because you just want to relive your youth. But there is a difference between acting like a kid sometimes for fun and being immature. But on the flip side it works as well, it doesnt matter how smart you think you are, or how much you understand and know, it doesnt make you any more physically mature then your age and how far into your life you have gone. Yes, I truly think there should be less influence on the children to go and kiss or make out or have sex and all this because it leads into more things that make the kids mature physically faster then they mentally mature, and when that happens bad things happen. Kids should still stay kids and try not to grow up so fast, because then when they are grown they look back and realize that they havnt had the chance to enjoy what most children have enjoyed. And they regret it. This leads to teen pregnancies and rape constantly and I think that less influence should be placed on the children to 'grow up' because it will happen eventually, and if they do it at their own pace then they will have the chance to grow up properly. That's just my opinion and I would appreciate some responses to this because I want to know how my opinion is viewed by other people, so by all means respond to this post, but please do so in a mature way, dont prove my point correct and be one of the kids I'm talking about.
Thank you,

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