ForumsWEPRIgnorance in adolescence

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938 posts

Hello armor forums, I just came here to voice my opinions.
Before I get started, I would just like to say I am an adolescent and I understand what's happening.
I would just like to say that my peers disgust me. They don't appreciate knowledge. Most kids equate being smart and clever with having no friends. Most of those who are clever start acting idiodically on purpose, just because the "cool" kids aren't so smart. I absolutely loathe it.
Earlier today, I was thinking: If my peers are the ones to be tomorrow's world leaders, then I may slit my throat because if they don't change, we're all screwed. I don't want someone who automatically shuns the quiet kid or the geek or the not so pretty one just because they are different to be in charge of me. I want someone who will understand people's opinions. I want someone who will care about the people with good ideas. It's time for people of my kind to take the stage and tell people what they are doing. I'm not trying to sound like a complete snob, but I'm afraid there is no one else that is responsible anymore. Kids treat things as a joke, like if they mess up time and time again, it's ok. Again, I'm not saying I'm perfect, no one is, I'm just saying that people do not think about the reprucussions of their actions before they do something.

This is not a trolling, this is not a spam.
Please, tell me about how your peers act.

  • 63 Replies
3,880 posts

Its because the capitalist system in America limits the knowledge of the people through barbie dolls for the kids and celebrity news instead of political for the adults.

Kids are raised to be consumerist from their early childhood.
The material surrounding and the un informative mass media is the cause.

Your TV will entertain you always but hardly ever educate.

90% of the media is owned by 5 companies which are politically motivated and are run for profit
This leaves it easy for corruption.

They have the power to shift the public view of events and the motivation to do so.
And instead of putting in any news about what going on in the world, they rather talk about celebrities and entertaining "news" like balloon boy.

5,552 posts

Its because the capitalist system in America limits the knowledge of the people through barbie dolls for the kids and celebrity news instead of political for the adults.
Kids are raised to be consumerist from their early childhood.
The material surrounding and the un informative mass media is the cause.
Your TV will entertain you always but hardly ever educate.
90% of the media is owned by 5 companies which are politically motivated and are run for profit
This leaves it easy for corruption.
They have the power to shift the public view of events and the motivation to do so.
And instead of putting in any news about what going on in the world, they rather talk about celebrities and entertaining "news" like balloon boy.

Drace, you have a point, but this only affects people who cannot think for themselves. Although, the count of how many people cannot think for themselves is pretty high...
1,751 posts

I have seen this many times and pointed it out. Most of the students thinck only about drugs, alcohol and sex.

Here's an intresting thought: teachers by nature like nerds more than crazy students. by this they encourage being nerds.

Its because the capitalist system in America limits the knowledge of the people through barbie dolls for the kids and celebrity news instead of political for the adults.

Well i'd advertize wikipedia.
5,552 posts

students thinck only about drugs, alcohol and sex.

I'd agree with the sex part, but lot's of people don't think about drugs. Not really sure about alcohol, haven't ever heard many people say, "I want a beer" or something like that.

America limits the knowledge of the people through barbie dolls for the kids

I didn't know that plastic dolls had power over the mind! O.o Seriously though, I don't think those dolls do anything besides maybe reinforce being a brat or something like that, nothing with knowledge though.
996 posts

don't forget about the ignorance that "mature" people have.

which is worse, because then it affects their voting or major decisions, whereas ignorance in adolescence affects nearly nothing.

5,552 posts

whereas ignorance in adolescence affects nearly nothing.

Except whether they will be an ignorant adult and then value learning or even common sense.
1,751 posts

don't forget about the ignorance that "mature" people have.
which is worse, because then it affects their voting or major decisions, whereas ignorance in adolescence affects nearly nothing.

49 posts

After high school I suggest getting a degree and joining the military. As an officer you rule over all the idiots that pissed you off in high school.

996 posts

Except whether they will be an ignorant adult and then value learning or even common sense.

yet in adolescence there is a higher chance of being able to rid that ignorance.
1,751 posts

After high school I suggest getting a degree and joining the military. As an officer you rule over all the idiots that pissed you off in high school

Very intresting for an idiot from a village
5,579 posts

Me is da smart.

Okay, seriously, this is honestly not new. This has pretty much been the same for decades.

It's the smart geeks in the corner that become scientists, the idiots in the classroom that become construction workers and long haul truckers, and the people that are both smart and likable that become politicians. If you don't know anyone like that, believe me, they exist.

996 posts

It's the smart geeks in the corner that become scientists, the idiots in the classroom that become construction workers and long haul truckers, and the people that are both smart and likable that become politicians. If you don't know anyone like that, believe me, they exist.

Example #1 of ignorance: non-obvious generalizations.
5,579 posts

Example #1 of ignorance: non-obvious generalizations.

Nope. Experience.

If you fail your classes in High School, you probably won't ever get a good job because you a) didn't attain required knowledge and/or b) you never got into any form of higher education, which can drastically affect many potential future jobs. Thus you end up like both my parents. But that has more to do with the higher education part, but that's another topic.

Nerds, geeks, etc., are usually shunned due to a lack of 'coolness,' or as intelligent people would put it: charisma and a form of commanding. This will have no effect on non-public and non-leadership revolving jobs, careers, etc. This makes them perfect for most solitary and collective team jobs, such as a scientist.

The third form usually has both intelligence as well as charisma, generally making them good leaders, such as politicians.

Those are examples. They are not fact.

And that is not taking into account other variables. If you would like me to write a wall of words about it, just ask.
938 posts

yet in adolescence there is a higher chance of being able to rid that ignorance.

Yet the kids that I know are being to stubborn. They are focusing so hard on not learning, that they refuse to see the good in knowledge.
Also, when I grow up, I either want to take care of these sad folk(politician) or go solitary and move to europe or something.
938 posts

Another problem I have is that; unlike way back when, if someone was stupid or had an unhealthy immune system or was weak, then they would die. Simple enough, isn't it? The inferior die, the superior inherit the earth. If someone had something to contribute, then they'd sure as hell be able to live without a problem.
These days, it's not like that. Everyone has to have food, everyone has to survive. It's just not natural anymore. I mean, it wasn't natural way back when, humans are the polar opposite of natural, but these days it's just not right.

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