ForumsWEPRIgnorance in adolescence

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938 posts

Hello armor forums, I just came here to voice my opinions.
Before I get started, I would just like to say I am an adolescent and I understand what's happening.
I would just like to say that my peers disgust me. They don't appreciate knowledge. Most kids equate being smart and clever with having no friends. Most of those who are clever start acting idiodically on purpose, just because the "cool" kids aren't so smart. I absolutely loathe it.
Earlier today, I was thinking: If my peers are the ones to be tomorrow's world leaders, then I may slit my throat because if they don't change, we're all screwed. I don't want someone who automatically shuns the quiet kid or the geek or the not so pretty one just because they are different to be in charge of me. I want someone who will understand people's opinions. I want someone who will care about the people with good ideas. It's time for people of my kind to take the stage and tell people what they are doing. I'm not trying to sound like a complete snob, but I'm afraid there is no one else that is responsible anymore. Kids treat things as a joke, like if they mess up time and time again, it's ok. Again, I'm not saying I'm perfect, no one is, I'm just saying that people do not think about the reprucussions of their actions before they do something.

This is not a trolling, this is not a spam.
Please, tell me about how your peers act.

  • 63 Replies
5,552 posts

Everyone has to have food, everyone has to survive. It's just not natural anymore. I mean, it wasn't natural way back when, humans are the polar opposite of natural, but these days it's just not right.

I said something like this in another thread I think. Pretty much, yeah, humans fight against nature, they struggle and crawl and don't give up. Things like welfare, however nice they may be, should have stricter checks on them, if your using that money for beer or drugs, you shouldn't get it. For the law, if your a repeat offender like murderer or rapist, there should be harder charges. You can't reform and fix everyone, they should get 1, 2 chances at most at a serious offense and then that's that. Eventually, this world is going to fall apart because we will have a bunch of people that don't understand how anything works.
938 posts

That's one of the exact problems. We'll eventually have the most ignorant fools who kill everyone who actually knows how to run the world correctly, then everyone is screwed.

996 posts

Yet the kids that I know are being to stubborn. They are focusing so hard on not learning, that they refuse to see the good in knowledge.
Also, when I grow up, I either want to take care of these sad folk(politician) or go solitary and move to europe or something.

most people like that end up noticing their wrongs and correcting themselves and going into a field they're truly interested in.
1,262 posts

I know how you feel.

I go to a school that has a 'challenge' program. You go to the same classes, learn the same things, except you get more then twice the work. I've been trying to get into the challenge program for 1 and 1/2 years. But enough about me.

The class I'm in is a regular class, and I'm most likely the smartest one in it. Most of the girls in my class give the teachers attitude. Actually, when I think of it, so do the guys. They, of course, only give attitude when they're doing work that is "hard" when actually it's really simple.

Me, along with 2 other people, might be the only ones not to complain. I'm so annoyed that so many complain about something that they have no choice in. That is, if they want a decent job.

Yes, todays teens are very ignorant and stubborn. Have you ever wished and/or wondered if every person in the world was like you (personality wise)?

938 posts

to singid25: Yes, I would want people like me that would understand and accept me, but I think I'd eventually go insane.

996 posts

You people are vastly ignoring the fact that many people who fuck around in classrooms when they're not the most mature people in the world also grow up and become well-living, important members of society.

5,552 posts

German, there's a difference between messing around in class and being ignorant. I spend 95% of my class time asleep, I wake up, listen to the teacher for 2-3 minutes, do the work and homework, and go back to sleep/and or read. And yet, I get asked more questions on how to do something than others ask the teacher, I don't know WHY, but I do know the subject.

938 posts

German, that is true, somewhat. And it pisses me off. Those who work hard do not inherit good things for what they did. If I could change one thing in the world, it would be that everyone who works hard gets what they deserve, and the same would go for people who would not.

5,552 posts

If I could change one thing in the world, it would be that everyone who works hard gets what they deserve, and the same would go for people who would not.

What if you just don't need to work hard to succede? For example, in school, when the teacher goes over a new subject, many of the kids don't get it at first. I can't understand why, because all my life, you just need to tell me it once and I remember it. I've had to learn to deal with people asking me the same question multiple times or spending 2-3 more classperiods on a subject because half the class has trouble with it. How is it fair that I would have to do tons and tons of work, when I can get the same result by doing less? For some people, hardwork does count, and it's a good quality, but it's kind of useless for me.
938 posts

Kasic, I meant that someone who does the work they need to to get the job done should get what they deserve, and if someone else had to work hard and they didn't, they should get what they deserve.
Sorry for the confusion, I was doing 4 different things while commenting on that post.

996 posts

In school, especially earlier (I assume we're talking about grade school here? maybe some high school?), you don't have to work hard at all and it won't noticeably affect your future if at all.

Most people in this thread don't note the fact that plenty of successful, rich people used to be ignorant, lazy students.

5,552 posts

used to be ignorant, lazy students.

Ah, what makes you think they were ignorant or lazy? Im neither, but I get bored out of my mind in school, thus I sleep and read in class, and for the first few weeks of every new class the teachers try to call on me to point out that I should be listening, not reading or sleeping, and I get the question right and ace the quizes, so they just leave me alone.
996 posts

Ah, what makes you think they were ignorant or lazy? Im neither, but I get bored out of my mind in school, thus I sleep and read in class, and for the first few weeks of every new class the teachers try to call on me to point out that I should be listening, not reading or sleeping, and I get the question right and ace the quizes, so they just leave me alone.

Half the time, when you hear a successful person speaking about their childhood and school experiences, they admit something along the lines of "I wasn't a model student..." or "I wasn't the most determined student..." or "I wasn't as interested in learning as others..." etc.

And I'm pretty much the same, except this is the year where we start getting teachers who, more or less (more), teach from the back of the book, so I explain things to others sometimes.
Also (workin on this for the GPA, but) I don't do homework very often.
938 posts

German, that may be true, but have you ever considered the thought they were just kissing a*s and saying that anyone can succeed? I'm not arguing with that thought, it's just more like for a successful scholar to be a successful adult.

996 posts

German, that may be true, but have you ever considered the thought they were just kissing a*s and saying that anyone can succeed? I'm not arguing with that thought, it's just more like for a successful scholar to be a successful adult.

well first of all, your dedication to school early on in life does not affect the amount that you can succeed.

and have you ever considered the fact that a good amount of successful people actually aren't very dedicated to school early on?
When you're learning about all these things on this early school scale, you aren't learning about what you're truly interested in, and for most people that keeps them from being very interested in it because they're really interested in one specific subject (even if they don't know it). Even fuckoffs dedicate themselves to their work when they actually want to learn the subject.
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