ForumsWEPRRaising money to fight the threat of Sarah Palin

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Sarah Palin Blog

Fox News on Youtube

LA Times Article

I picked a blog, news show, and newspaper to try to show different angles of the same story.

Besides being freaking hillarious this is disgraceful behavior for the most powerful man in the world. Feeling threatened by a former governor isn't reason to need half a million to fight against such a Quote "dangerous" person and blames her for the term "death panel." Why don't we spend some of this money taking care of the ever expanding deficit? Seriously its not like we have loads of federal land to sell off to get rid of the national debt the way we took care of it under Marshall. China has advised Obama that now is not a good time for the Health Care reform as if they were a banker telling a customer that they can't increase their loan. I really don't feel good about China owning so much of us even if we are decades ahead of them technologically and a huge portion of their country either lives in villages or work in sweat shops.

Why doesn't he quit golfing so much, already more than Bush did in 8 years, and do something constructive? Oh wait, constructive for him means raising insurance costs for 85% of Americans and increasing the cost of fuel and energy, so maybe we should just lock him on a course and throw away the key.

  • 78 Replies
5,579 posts

Well what I meant was: if we can't get a good politician into office there's no way were heading down a good road.

Especially in the lower municipalities. But since those are corrupt anyway, it heads up.

Hehe, my school district (Spring I.S.D) was busted for corruption and misuse of taxpayer money. The top branch was taking highly extensive cruises while they have a million things they need to fix.

And the cruises were with taxpayer money, afforded to them by Spring I.S.D., not just in their paycheck.
3,224 posts

You're unintelligent when you can't control your own lies.

In what way has he lost control of his own lies?

Or REALLY lacking in willpower.

He's traveled to hundreds of cities and given thousands of talks on climate change. That doesn't scream like a lack of will power to me.

I mean let's be honest, if you do really think he is scamming everyone about Climate Change purely for his own interests, then he has managed to fool millions of people and make millions of dollars out of it. That's pretty smart by my book).
32 posts

lol you guys got into this mess partialy for breaking the main rule spending more then you earn isnt the best financial plan out there so you can't blame the goverment for the whole thing you'll have to realize a few things for yourself

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