Glad to see someone interested to beat my challenge. But still, I'd prefer if no bug exploit is used at all. If it requires the towers to be built in a specific order, then it's most likely bugged. Can you make the most powerful tower without any bug exploits?
Glad to see someone interested to beat my challenge. But still, I'd prefer if no bug exploit is used at all. If it requires the towers to be built in a specific order, then it's most likely bugged.
This bug can't be avoided. The order you build the tower in may effect the damage it can do. If you're going to make the tower, you either do it randomly, make it as powerful as possible, or make it as weak as possible. If you do it randomly, you might as well go in order (no one will be able to tell the difference), and if you make it as weak as possible, then that defies the purpose of making a powerful tower.
Sorry bloodshadow, but your original was using the bug exploit as well. With no bug, damage multipliers in a mega mega tower (or mega tower for that matter) wouldn't increase its final dmg, and you'd be better off without putting them in. The reason they increase the dmg of the end tower is because of the bug, otherwise the end tower would just increase the power of nearby towers, not itself.
Well... That sure sucks. Personally, I think Booster towers built into Mega Towers and Mega Mega Towers should strengthen the MT and MMT, but Boosters outside the MT and MMT should not.
I guess this is all pointless then... Oh well.
OK, someone can make a guide on how to get the highest damage possible through any means whatsoever, including but exploits. The final Mega Mega Tower should still have 787 range and 1 reload, but I prefer that no Anti Ghost towers are used.
Look back a few posts and see mine :P. I will be surprised if anyone can beat the 24 million one by more than 1 million without using any ghost towers and meeting the other requirements.
Just fyi, following the requirements of no bugs at all, the best I think you can make would be 14 splash, 1 sniper, 1 machine gun, order doesnt matter. Dmg: 5162, range: 787, reload: 4 (near as I can tell you cant get it to 1 without reload tower, even a mega mega of all machine guns is still 4 reload).
I personally think that if you have to upgrade your tower in oder, then it should count. No matter what, the tower is being affected by the bug. The only way to make a tower that isn't affected by the bug is if you use no boost towers at all.
Nume, just one thing you need to know: Booster towers affect touching towers, including those touching diagonally. I have tried this, and it worked. In that post of yours you seemed to think that the Mega Mega Damage Booster on the top left does not affect the damage of your Mega Mega Tower; but it actually does.
I never said that. The only tower on my good pic which wasnt boosting was the far upper right mega tower, which like I said wasnt touching the dmg tower in any way. I wouldn't have even made the upper left boosting tower if I didn't think it was affecting my dmg one :P. If you notice I literally had towers in basically every area you possibly could on the map without blocking paths, and that was the only one which wasn't touching my dmg one in some way, hence the fact I used it to be the slowing/weakening tower.
Here is my latest run with auto clicking... its basically the same setup as before except everythings inversed so it is closer to where the enemies spawn, and I also made one of the power up mega mega towers have 1 burst tower in it so it would help clear up all the numerous nonghost enemies, since the single super tower had issues with it. It reduced my main mega mega's dmg to ~20 million, but helped a lot with the higher stages. Its at 12000 waves now, and I may leave it all night without auto clicker to see how far it gets. I used auto clicker to get to this point and its getting close to getting overrun as the enemies are starting to have over 20 million health, and with so many coming at once theyre getting a bit close, but if it can catch up and get to just single waves at atime I think it'll be able to last a lot longer.
My attempt at damage maximization, following Nume's guide.
The bottom left Mega Tower is composed of two Range Boosters, a Slow Burst, and a Weaken Burst. There were some extra space up top, so I filled them with Sniper Towers that can help the main tower taking down enemies.