I'll Choose a song from two bands from the 80's, rock bands, and you'll have 15 votes to decide the winner. Rememmber to give a stern reason why you picked the song. I need three other people to help me run this, in case I'm gone and not on much.
First Song Battle: Iron Maiden's {url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5Snehl2bAk]Run to the Hills[/url] VS. Van Halen's Jump Send suggestions to my page.
Your vote dosen't count for you need to pick one of the two. Geesh this one is going slow...hopefully it'll end soon. Owner of a Lonely Heart-2 Shout-2
I have too say I have little experience of either band and no experience of either song.... to make matters worse my internet is atrosciouly slow at the moment > So I only really got too listen to the first dozen or so seconds of both songs. So on balance I shall go for Owner of a Lonely Heart since it sounded better (much more my style) Shout was a bit too well "80's" lol plus I like Yes more as a band.
Thanks Pixie Owner of a Lonely Heart-7 Shout-3 Well, we are super close to having a winner here, just one more vote needed for Onwer of a Lonely Heart to win. Keep the votes coming.
Ok, tough one. On one hand, we have the greatest rap-rock song of all-time. On the other hand, we have the glam of David Bowie and the glitz of Queen, not to mention the pure awesomeness of them together. I'm going with Under Pressure on this one.