I'll Choose a song from two bands from the 80's, rock bands, and you'll have 15 votes to decide the winner. Rememmber to give a stern reason why you picked the song. I need three other people to help me run this, in case I'm gone and not on much.
First Song Battle: Iron Maiden's {url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5Snehl2bAk]Run to the Hills[/url] VS. Van Halen's Jump Send suggestions to my page.
I gotta go with underpressure. Queen are a way better than "run DMC". And to be honest Walk this Way kinda annoys me when I hear it. Plus I know a brilliant parody version of Under Pressure so whenever it comes on there is always a smile on my face.
Under Pressure is so much better. I like Aerosmith, but run dmc just pisses me off. Pick a genre and stay there, for goodness sake. Also, Queen is the best!
i love I Wanna Rock... loved playing that when I had that Guitar Hero. I like the attitudes, the extremely 80s look, the fact that they reunited incognito as Bent Brother (yes it's true), and the fact that they had the cojones to remake Leader of the Pack.
That song is a rock 'n' roll classic. It has those power chords that shake your ears and that those awesome cymbal crashes! I really like Ozzy Osbourne, but Fly High again isn't one of my favorite songs.
Ozzy was one of THE best artists of the 80's, while I Wanna Rock is THE anthem for rock. I like Flyin' High Again better because, in my humble opinion, it is a more complex song than I Wanna Rock, although I Wanna Rock has a sweet riff and a funny music video.