ForumsWEPRVoidy's (Less than) Politicaly Correct Views

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So this thread is going to be me posting all my rather less that politically correct ideas and thoughts on all steps of life. Politics, religion, social structure and such.

I know a lot of you are not going to agree with me. I also know that some of you will get angry.

And I'm fine with that. Maybe it will start some good debates around here.
Enough blabber, on with the show.

I'm sick of nearly every women I meet and interact with pulling the gender card. Acting like that because of them being a women, the are entitled to behaving certain ways, saying certain things. Based purely off of the fact that they are a women. Nothing more, nothing less.

Examples? Of course I have them.
-1) At work, the shift changes and my relief comes. On one of them is a girl roughly my same age. Part of the job requires you to empty a mop bucket and change the water. Mop bucket holds only 4 gallons of water. She looks at me and says "Can you empty the bucket for me? It's too heavy for me." I ask her why it's too heavy since it is only four gallons of water. To which she replies "Well, I am a girl you know. Teehee."
-2) Countless times I have women talk to me about something or another. During the conversation which they initiated, I put in my view and thoughts. They snap at me and go "Oh shut up. You're a guy. You wouldn't know about it."
-3) Too many times I'll be talking with a current/past significant other about something important. Once again, I get the "You are a guy, your emotions are different. Illogical."

And so on and so on.

I'm sick of tired using their gender to their advantage or to stonewall conversations.

You want to be equal to men? Want the same amount of pay? Same levels of respect? Same everything?

Then -stop- using your gender as a disadvantage, dammit. If you can't do the same amount of work as your male counterparts then you should be payed less. If you always use your 'feminine feelings' as a fail-safe in any argument, then you should not get the same level of respect amongst your peers.

Suck it up or go home.

Now, do not think I'm all "Women are inferior and deserve less!" I'm far from it. I truly do think that men and women deserve the same rate of pay, respect and so on. Gender has no place in deciding such things.
Yet if a women uses her gender as an excuse or weakness then no, you do not deserve the all of what you earned.

What would happen if a man did that? If he slacked on the job for no excusable reason? Used his gender to let him slide by? He'd get fired, sued, slapped around.

So the point of this all is such:
Women expect the same everything as men, which I agree with. Yet they then use their gender as an excuse to be treated differently. If you want to be seen as weak and incapable then expect to be treated as such.

I even deliberately left points open for debate. There.

  • 62 Replies
1,026 posts

My post got deleted... And it said I had posted 39 years ago, I'm not even that old...

But anyways, another thing with women is that they always use historical references to fight back. They talk about how women a century ago could not vote, and how kings were unfair to women, etc. But men today did not do that, and women today did not experience that. So why are they acting like it's our fault?

1,416 posts

1. I work at Target on the night shift when we unload the truck, and there are some things that women (and even some men) cannot physically lift. It's not playing the "gender card." It's called &quothysics." Women are not as strong as men. That's just how our bodies are made. Women have to work harder to gain muscle. It's not their fault.

2. Take the hint. When a girl asks you to lift something that they can obviously lift, it's a cue. Do it for them then start up a conversation. Maybe they are interested. At least three girls from Target have shown their interest in my by doing that exact same thing. I have a girlfriend, so I don't pursue it. But if I was single, I would go for it.

3. Everyone will take advantage of something about themselves at some point in their life. My girlfriend uses her rack to get free drinks from men at the bars. I'm sure I've had better opportunities in life for being White. I'm sure you have used some genetic trait of your own to get something. It happens. Get used to it.

290 posts

3) Too many times I'll be talking with a current/past significant other about something important. Once again, I get the "You are a guy, your emotions are different. Illogical."

This is kind of true. Guys, for the most part, don't understand girls' emotions at all. I don't know what they were saying or what you were saying, but if that's their response to you, then I'm sure you said something that sounded very "guy"-sounding. It's not your fault, it's just how we are as guys.

My girlfriend uses her rack to get free drinks from men at the bars.

Either you're lying, or your girlfriend is a ho, no offense.
3,675 posts

1) First off, good job on using the term 'hysics' wrong. Anyway.
When you sign a document saying "I am able to lift at least 40lbs" when you start to work, you should be able to do it. Also, the mop bucket with water inside of it only weighs ~38 pounds. Furthermore, she can do it. She has done it several times. She just doesn't like to do it.
2) Thank god I'm being taught the art of flirting. On AG. Now I can get all the hawt women.
In this case, no. She has a boyfriend. Which she reminds every guy that works there. Every. Day. And, as stated, she can lift it.
3) This view is about equal rights, not using people.
Bet you haven't been accepted into colleges and given scholarships to meet a quota of minorities in said institution of learning for PR because you were white. Going to go out on a limb and say that you also do not live in an area where whites are the minority. Also going to say that you are one of those people that believe there are actually different 'races' of people.

Yet I digress.

3,675 posts

Hopefully not going to be a DP, but of well if it does.

This is kind of true. Guys, for the most part, don't understand girls' emotions at all. I don't know what they were saying or what you were saying, but if that's their response to you, then I'm sure you said something that sounded very "guy"-sounding. It's not your fault, it's just how we are as guys.

It indeed can sometimes happen, yet for more of a reason of each person having different views on subjects. More oft that not though, it is used as a defense mechanism when something valid is pointed out or simply to combat their own point of view.
996 posts

Mop bucket holds only 4 gallons of water. She looks at me and says "Can you empty the bucket for me? It's too heavy for me." I ask her why it's too heavy since it is only four gallons of water. To which she replies "Well, I am a girl you know. Teehee."

It makes me angry to see this in any workplace. Then again, I'm not a normal girl (I can bench 150lb). I agree with you Voidy, if she signed a paper saying she can lift it, then that better be the case. SUCK IT UP!

It's true that most guys don't understand woman's emotions, but that shouldn't be used as a scapegoat. If some guy asks me what's my problem, I'll lay it all out, even if he doesn't understand everything, and carry on with life.
1,310 posts

1 - I love this one - particularly because I actually weigh less then the women I work with (which I point out anytime they whine about having to lift things). Do I complain when I have to lift a 65-70 pound CRT monitor at work? No.

Women are not as strong as men. That's just how our bodies are made. Women have to work harder to gain muscle. It's not their fault.

Well, maybe if they can't do the job.. they shouldn't have that job?

When a girl asks you to lift something that they can obviously lift, it's a cue. Do it for them then start up a conversation. Maybe they are interested.

Not bloody likely. You even said yourself:

My girlfriend uses her rack to get free drinks from men at the bars.

Women use 'sex' as a bargaining tool with a lot of men so they can get by on easy street or get things for free. Chances are, they're just manipulating you.

As for 2 & 3; I never let them get away with it. If someone wants to run from a discussion on a technicality I just point out it's exactly what they're doing & that it's pathetic. Men could pull the same argument - it's not like women hold all the cards to a guy's psyche; far from it.
3,817 posts

Im just a teenage computer nerd. I don't deal with women nearly as much as I want to.... I agree, but im weeker then most the girls at school. But I do agree with the feeling thing...

3,817 posts

And, I forgot to say, I hate the "you can't hit a girl" thing. It just bugs me that I they say I can't punch a girl for things I whould punch a guy for... but as I said there stronger then me, so....

938 posts

Thank god I'm being taught the art of flirting. On AG. Now I can get all the hawt women.

Maybe next, your outlook on politicians will change from reading one flame-thread about Obama.
Mop bucket holds only 4 gallons of water. She looks at me and says "Can you empty the bucket for me? It's too heavy for me." I ask her why it's too heavy since it is only four gallons of water. To which she replies "Well, I am a girl you know. Teehee."

The other day, my 5 year old cousin lifted a 3 gallon bucket of water, and carried it up a hill. I think a 20-some-odd woman can do three times as much. It's ridiculous.
I put in my view and thoughts. They snap at me and go "Oh shut up. You're a guy. You wouldn't know about it."

This happens to me a lot. The girl starts talking about my flaws, and then when I either disagree or point out a flaw of their own, they first deny everything I just said and then rip on me some more. I mean, most guys my age think that girls are really complicated. They usually just make themselves out to be really complicated, just to make the guys persevere with them. I hate it.
Once again, I get the "You are a guy, your emotions are different. Illogical."

As with the situation before this one, they think that they are so important and that their opinion matters the most. I hate it when a girl "hates" you, and they can't even point out what they dislike. They just say, "I hate you. You're an overbearing *explative*. No, no, no. I just know you are. You can't keep me from speaking my mind."
But anyways, another thing with women is that they always use historical references to fight back. They talk about how women a century ago could not vote, and how kings were unfair to women, etc. But men today did not do that, and women today did not experience that. So why are they acting like it's our fault?

I can't agree any more. They say it with such emotion, and talk like they experienced it firsthand and they survived it. They didn't. And then they say, "the men" like we are the epitome of the devil. It's not like there was a gene that was passed down, it was just commonly accepted back then that men were better than women. Nothing more, nothing less; it had nothing to do with men as a whole.

Now, don't get thinking that I'm in the Heman's women haters club, because I'm not. I very much so respect and appreciate women that accept their duties, act logically, and respect the other gender. I am perfectly fine with them. It's just the overbearing, dramatic, exagerating, ignorant, disrespectful scum-sacs that discourage me.
5,552 posts

I agree with you devoidless. The one thing that makes me the most annoyed though is that they try to show off their bodies to get you to do stuff for them, and when they get sexually assualted they are all like, "He's a man and much stronger than me and I didn't do anything!!!" You hear about that stuff all of the time. The thing with the history is annoying when anyone does it, "My race/culture/religion had this done to me in the past, so it's fair if I do it to you." You can't argue agaisnt that withought it seeming like bigotry and how our ancestors did it but now they are just supposed to accept it. Oh well, can't really change anything so, no point in getting fussy over it.

873 posts

What really makes me mad are the abuses and the unfair children rights. In most cases a woman can hit a man, and it will either not be addressed or sometimes even encouraged. And for the unfair control over children, in most cases the court will listen to the woman over the man, even though he may have good intentions, I have relatives where the mom won and now is a drugatic and barely takes care of the kids, while the dad can rarely interact with the kids and is living a good life.

this may explain for the abuse thing: [url=]

1,751 posts

And, I forgot to say, I hate the "you can't hit a girl" thing. It just bugs me that I they say I can't punch a girl for things I whould punch a guy for... but as I said there stronger then me, so....

I have a very short fuse. When it's not burning I'm fine.
When it is I breathe through the nostrils like a bull. When it burns out I start punching/kicking the person who gets on my nerves like crasy. Without diffrences in gender.

Only the cool guys follow that rule.

At work, the shift changes and my relief comes. On one of them is a girl roughly my same age. Part of the job requires you to empty a mop bucket and change the water. Mop bucket holds only 4 gallons of water. She looks at me and says "Can you empty the bucket for me? It's too heavy for me." I ask her why it's too heavy since it is only four gallons of water. To which she replies "Well, I am a girl you know. Teehee."

They're either lazy or they're flirting. Marrige/love/se* is not a joke and should be taken seriously.

This happens to me a lot. The girl starts talking about my flaws, and then when I either disagree or point out a flaw of their own, they first deny everything I just said and then rip on me some more. I mean, most guys my age think that girls are really complicated. They usually just make themselves out to be really complicated, just to make the guys persevere with them. I hate it.

Actually it's not only the girls.
2,837 posts

You seriously won't say sex? Afraid the women might take offense?

1,720 posts

I agree with you Voidy. It seems like life is one long drama for one women.

A good joke would be to call "cut" right in the middle of some dramatic episode she puts on for everyone, then tell her she's totally over doing it.

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