ForumsWEPRThe MAIN reason that I am Atheist.

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2,128 posts

Want to know why I am Atheist? It's because of how the story of Jesus came to be. His story was not written down for at least 40 years; think of all the misconceptions that could have happened between that time. I mean, it is much like gossip. It works for the first few people, but then the story starts to mutate uncontrollably.

Who isn't to say that at first, Jesus was just a psychotic whom talked to his imaginary master, named god? He could have just been walking down the road talking to "god" about the basis of his life, and what he shall not do. Later, he commits euthanasia because god told him to. See how that could mutate into the modern story that it is?

  • 135 Replies
2,128 posts

the Bible contradicts its self far too many times, and it is far from being historically accurate.

For starters:

-A civilization cannot be formed by 2 people (Adam & Eve)
-The Egyptian bible mentions unicorns.
1,416 posts

It's because of how the story of Jesus came to be. His story was not written down for at least 40 years

As a historian, I have to point out that this was very common back then. Most events were passed down orally for decades before they were written down. For example, the "300 Battle" with the Spartans was not written down for over 40 years. That does not mean the battle didn't happen. In fact, there is enough archaeological evidence to show the battle was real. The same could be said about the Bible. Just because it took awhile to write down does not disprove it.

2,520 posts

-A civilization cannot be formed by 2 people (Adam & Eve)

Because you know of such things?
2,128 posts

Because you know of such things?

We thrive on diversity. After several generations of similar genes, they start to mutate. If the biblical story was true, we'd probably all look insane by now.
And if my biblical story knowledge was true, didn't Adam kill eve? How did he reproduce? With his mom?
2,520 posts

We thrive on diversity. After several generations of similar genes, they start to mutate. If the biblical story was true, we'd probably all look insane by now.
And if my biblical story knowledge was true, didn't Adam kill eve? How did he reproduce? With his mom?

If your biblical knowledge was true, you'd know Adam didn't HAVE a mom. Besides, as I said before, the Bible is somewhat figurative.
842 posts

Your aethiest(or whatever) because you dont care about religion, same as for me? When got strikes a lighting bolt infront of my face and makes me poops my pants ill believe, until then i dont care about religion.

9,462 posts

Your aethiest(or whatever) because you dont care about religion, same as for me? When got strikes a lighting bolt infront of my face and makes me poops my pants ill believe, until then i dont care about religion.

Actually being an atheist is not believing in a deity. It doesn't matter if you care about a religion or not.
154 posts

To be ironic, AMEN. The world needs more atheists. Religion has done nothing except subjugate the masses of men to the ruling elite all through history.

Its matters not which religion, as people become more sophisticated, new religions must be developed to retain this control. Monotheism was the single most evil invention of mankind as it enabled subjugation on a wide scale.

"I'll believe in god when one and one are five"
Greg Graffin

48 posts

Your Atheist cause you believe in science, and you have never seen an angel or been enlightened

34 posts

if your first post is the real MAIN reason why you are an Atheist I am pretty worried about you. If you think that just because of a 40 year gap between a document and a historical event the records are utterly and completely unreliable, then how do you ever know anything in history? There are still people writing history books on World War II. I hope you do not read them. let's see, 40 years ago was 1970... So, if you ever meet a Vietnam war veteran, do not even think about believing a single word he says about it. It is all lies, and he is suffering from war trauma anyways.
If you don't get it on tape or video from then, do not believe it. It is all secondary stuff, and has been corrupted. You know, gossip and all that. Yeah, your parent's childhood: Lies I tell you, nothing but lies. Do they even have any evidence that they really lived where they claimed 40 years ago? Do you have pictures, super 8 films? That house probably doesn't even stand anymore. You know, they are actually government agents, and you were placed in their care right after they stole you from your real mother, who was an hair to the throne of Russia, but the CIA was afraid you'd be the next Russian emperor. It's all made up, but since it was so long ago all the people seem to remember your &quotarents."

Seriously man, if a 40 year gap is your main reason for being an Atheist, you are skating on very thin ice. Let me give you the main reason for that:
You do not have 1 single piece of evidence that there was a thing altered in this time. You are relying entirely on speculation in this argument, and you do not have anything in form of hard evidence to prove that even a word was changed in any of Jesus' speeches in that time. So your entire world view rests on a completely unsupported assertion that something WAS changed. Actually, an assertion that almost EVERYTHING was changed. I would go so far to say that the real reason you think something was changed is because you want to be an Atheist, and not the other way around. No credibly historian would throw away a source just because of a 40 year gap.

Ok, let's go one further:

God can neither be proved to exist, or be proved to not exist. Therefore, he is out of discussion.

That, also, is an unsupported claim. How do you know that God cannot be proven to exist?
Are you going to say, that only things verifiable by science can be proven to be true? (That's called positivism)
Well, the problem with that view is that you cannot prove THAT statement by science. What kind of experiment would you do for that?

I would argue that you can very well prove that God exists. There are a good number of proofs, such as the Kalam Cosmological argument. I am not saying that it does completely prove his existence, but it COULD.

Or, if you could establish by historical evidence that Jesus really was raised from the dead, I would take that to be strong evidence that God exists. I am not saying this is a waterproof argument, but it COULD be.

How else would you like it proven? There is a purely logical argument as well. The shortened form is that if it is possible that God exists, than he necessarily exists (There are about 20 steps in between, check Alvin Plantinga's Ontological Argument if you are interested)

Then, of course, we could argue that if Christianity IS true (which is possible) than all humans have a "sense of the divine" that if it operates correctly lets them see that God exists. They would know that he exists as a proper basic belief, as a result of that "sensory organ" of the "divine sense." That would be proof.

Another thing we could do is check into near death experiences, and see what that data shows. That could be close to a proof.

Anyways, I hope this gives some room for thought.
5,552 posts

Your aethiest(or whatever) because you dont care about religion, same as for me? When got strikes a lighting bolt infront of my face and makes me poops my pants ill believe, until then i dont care about religion.

How would a lightning bolt convert you? It's an explained phenomenon. Maybe that would have converted someone 2000 years ago, but think how much they didn't know. You could point to almost ANYTHING and call it a work of god unquestioned. That tree is a work of god because we have no idea how it got there! A baby is born, what a miracle! You survived the plague, you prayed in god enough! None of these were works of god, yet that's how religions start, misunderstanding and ignorace.
1,720 posts

Every time I look at these threads I scratch my chin and my calculating, ever processing brain goes to work. Bits of math equations come together to become whole and an endless network of creative thoughts flow in the rivers of conscious thought. But even after an infinite number of processes, every time I look at this thread only one equation seems to form itself amidst all of the disconnected thought roaming in space.

Religion + Mankind = Endless Argument, Fighting, Debating, Disaster. The actual equation is far more complicated, but I thought it would be better if I broke it down into bite sized pieces.

What if there were no religion? If no one believed in any God (no Christians, Catholics, Jews, etc...) and there was no one not to believe in God (Athiests) wouldn't the world be so much better?

We all may agree (some may not) however no matter how much one agrees it will never be done. That same one who agreed will come back the next day and declare war with his religious rivals once more. But for what? Are these battles really worth fighting for?

In my mind, no, they are not. Everyone must argue, no matter what, even if no point will be proved or no mentality changed. Many of us are soldiers of another conflict, fighting a war because we think we must, some of us fighting a war we did not start.

Many of you will read this and say nothing, some will respond with anger and begin a new battle, others may agree, but I don't care what your answer is. All I want you to do the next time someone disses your religion or insults your beliefs is think one thing and one thing only:

Is this battle really worth fighting for?

9,462 posts

What if there were no religion? If no one believed in any God (no Christians, Catholics, Jews, etc...) and there was no one not to believe in God (Athiests) wouldn't the world be so much better?

If there was no religion then everyone would be an atheist, but the term atheist would be moot.
1,416 posts

Of course there should be religion! Any true rational and scientific minded person realizes the neccessity of religion. Saying that there should be no religious people is like saying that there should be no white people. Both groups of people have caused the majority of historical problems, and therefore an argument exists for their eradication. However, white people are not subject to all the same diseases (or not to the same extent) as other races are. Their unique genetic codes are needed in case of a race-targeted pandemic, so that the human race can survive. This argument applies to all races. The same is true for religion: what if something happens that only kills atheists? This could be any number of things. First of all, one religion could be true, and God decides to wipe out our heathen planet. Or a theist alien race arrives on our planet, and kills us for not having any faith. These both probably won't happen, but seeing as we don't know what will happen, it is better to be safe. For all we know, there is a gene mutation that causes people to be more likely to accept religion. This same gene mutation also makes people immune to certain diseases. In fact, people who belong to an organized religion tend to live longer than athiest on average. This is after correcting for the fact that religious people also tend to be married and do less drugs. I guess the point of my rant is that humans should never, under any circamstances, do anything to reduce diversity. This applies both to idealogy and genetics. However, this doesn't mean we should allow religious people to roam free. After all, some religions (IE mormonism, Jesuits, etc) are really into converting people, therefore reducing the diversity of Earth. Others are really into flat out killing other religious people (IE pretty much all religions). Therefore, we should seperate all the religions, and ship them out to islands where they can't bother anyone. This will keep Earth diverse enough to safegaurd it from catastophy while allowing everyone else to live a rational, Atheist life.

P.S. I am mostly kidding about that last segregation part so don't get all offended. I am not quite that evil.

9,462 posts

Your comparison of genetic to belief some how seems flawed. such as your example of a theistic alien race. If such an event were to happen chances are it would be a religion that no one on this planet would have and people would be killed for being the "wrong religion" just as much as being no religion.

In fact, people who belong to an organized religion tend to live longer than athiest on average.

I would like to see the study on this.

I guess the point of my rant is that humans should never, under any circamstances, do anything to reduce diversity.

Then perhaps we should bring back the beliefs in Zeus, Odin, and Ra along with there pantheons. Just because people stop believing in unfounded claims does not mean we lose diversity.
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