Well, If those bibles of the big bang are good at proving it, then yes, they could work like that. Yea, kinda like when you claimed you were telling the truth, mister!
I decided to use your tactic.
Nurv, really, just give up. That doesn't counter my point at all - I never claimed I was telling the truth, just as you never claimed you were. In debates, one doesn't lie to support him/herself. Them telling the truth is assumed by everyone. Get out of the WEPR section and learn how to debate, because you don't understand what a debate really is.
Nitpicker. I'll make it simple. Intelligent Design for me, not Evolution.
Yeah, it didn't really make sense....scratch that.
urv, really, just give up. That doesn't counter my point at all - I never claimed I was telling the truth, just as you never claimed you were. In debates, one doesn't lie to support him/herself. Them telling the truth is assumed by everyone. Get out of the WEPR section and learn how to debate, because you don't understand what a debate really is.
I mean, did you tell the truth or not? If you claim that you're telling the truth, then there is no evidence, just like you say there is no evidence for God. If you're lying, then you're just lying and that's not cool.
I believe in God. But I think saying he is a hyper-evolved organism from another universe is stupid. No natural being could survive a Big Crunch. Sorry.
I believe in God. But I think saying he is a hyper-evolved organism from another universe is stupid. No natural being could survive a Big Crunch. Sorry.
Again, it was a joke theory. I don't believe in it either. But think about an absolutely perfect hyper-evolved being that can do anything and is immortal. God can do anything can't he? Why wouldn't he be able to survive a Big Crunch, unless your saying that God can't do anything.
God is perfect, right? The ultimate goal of evolution is to attain perfection. So that means the ultimate goal of evolution is to become a God. That being the case, how can one level of perfection be greater than another level of perfection? 100% = 100%.
u guys the math model of the big bang doesn't go to the singularity, it almost goes there only it doesn't. it stops. so infinite small is infinite large since it's the only object. that's why the math breaks down. the only place that infinity exists is in the border between two dimensions. like, how many points fit inside a square? how many squares fit inside a cube? how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? hey u guys want another way of saying it? the singularity came from another dimension outside of space/time, maybe someplace like Heaven. does anyone know how it got started, the big bang idea? it's so stupid.
As evolution, or should I say EVILution, is natural, you can't evolve into something supernatural.
I must say you beLIEfs are wrong. You said that God is a perfectly evolved being... and now you are telling me it is impossible to obtain perfection through evolution? Can say: contradiction?
God is perfect, right? The ultimate goal of evolution is to attain perfection. So that means the ultimate goal of evolution is to become a God. That being the case, how can one level of perfection be greater than another level of perfection? 100% = 100%.
Where did you hear that? Or is this just something else you just made up for evolution?
Notice the "super" in supernatural. That means that he has gone through natural, and transcended it. >.>
generally when we say natural we usually mean.
"having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious"
super: over and above : higher in quantity, quality, or degree than : more than
So we can define supernatural as: being over or above, more then having a physical or real existence.
Nothing saying one has to go through a natural state to become supernatural.
Really the idea of something being supernatural by definition makes very little sense especially if we were to use your definition of first having to be natural. It would be like saying it was natural but now it's not.