Ok, so i was messing with my phone and I went onto the news and read a brief paragrah about a Morman church in Salt Lake-City that, as of today, supports gay rights. This was a shock to me because from what i have heard Morman's don't support gay rights, or marriage, in any way. Please post a comment telling me what you think of this ordeal. Thank You
Well since most Protestants consider them a cult, and the Roman and Orthodox Catholics consider anyone not Catholic a cult, I don't see how it really will change much about the way most Religious folks see things. Only 2% of Americans are Mormon and by no means does the entire Mormon church or even the majority of it support such a thing. After all some of them pick up a bible every blue moon right?
It's not a shock if a single church decides to support gay marriage. Most Mormon churches are still against it. Now if the entire church changed its stance, then it would be news.
After all some of them pick up a bible every blue moon right?
We ALL read the Bible, my friend. It's still very much a part of out religion.
As for the supporting gay rights, I haven't seen any Church publication from recent times saying that they are supporting it. In order for you to post such an allegation, you must CITE YOUR SOURCES!! I would like to see the news report on this.
Oh; but the president did say that he doesn't support gay marriage, in that article. Now I feel stupid. So, they support gay rights, but not really gay marriage. Is this really that difficult to understand?
Well since most Protestants consider them a cult, and the Roman and Orthodox Catholics consider anyone not Catholic a cult
Christian group 1: Your a cult! Christian group 2: No Your a cult! Atheist: Your both cults. Christian group 1 and 2: No we're not! (looks at each other) Yes you are!
Let gays have there rights its not hurting anyone.
So, they support gay rights, but not really gay marriage. Is this really that difficult to understand?
Let me try to explain. They have nothing against gays themselves and their rights, viewing the homosexuals as fellow children of God. However, they see marriage as a holy sacrament and don't support gay marriage because it would be impossible for the purpose of marriage, child-raising. Again, I quote Pres. Hinckley, in the very same article I quoted from above. "We want to help these people, to strengthen them, to assist them with their problems and to help them with their difficulties. But we cannot stand idle if they indulge in immoral activity, if they try to uphold and defend and live in a so-called same-sex marriage situation. To permit such would be to make light of the very serious and sacred foundation of God-sanctioned marriage and its very purpose, the rearing of families." You see now? And if one church supports it, I'm not surprised. There's always a standout, it's no big deal. I myself support gay marriage, although that's not the issue at hand.
i think its fucked up. this reminds me of a friend whose house i slept over at a couple nights ago. after we had been there for a while he told me and my brother that his sister told him that she was a lesbo that morning. and yes there mormons. i guess thats just one example of following a religion thats made up
They have nothing against gays themselves and their rights, viewing the homosexuals as fellow children of God. However, they see marriage as a holy sacrament and don't support gay marriage because it would be impossible for the purpose of marriage, child-raising.
So if a man and woman who were for what ever reason were unable to have children this church would be against them getting married as well?
It takes a mormon to answer these questions, doesnt it?
Well, as a church of 13 million people as of 2005, and the fact that almost all mormons read parts of the bible and the other testament of Jesus Christ at least once a month, this is probably a Reorganized church of Jesus Christ, they call themselves mormons, but they are nowhere near the teachings of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Now, the LDS(Mormon) teachings state that marrage should be between a man and a woman, to procreate
It takes a mormon to answer these questions, doesnt it?
Yes, it does. I'm glad to see there are at least two of us now. It frustrates me to no end to see so many people who only think they know what we believe, and won't take the time to make sure it's really true.