The site shows statistics relevant to standards of living in Cuba. It compares them to other Latin American nations. It also lists facts detailing the Cuban economic and financial sector.
Very interesting what immense Cuba has managed to gain on its tiny island.
Some excerpts:
Persons per Doctor ____
Cuba - 169 United States - 421 Brazil - 844 Dominican Republic - 949 Haiti - 10,005
Unemployment _____ Cuba - 1.9% Bolivia - 8% United States - 9.5% Argentina - 15.6% Haiti - 70%
Inflation ___ Cuba - 0.30% US - 3.20% Argentina - 9.6%
Women in Government ____ Cuba - 36% Argentina - 31% US - 14%
Facts ___ * The average Cuban worker has ten years of education; one of every ten scientists in Latin America and the Caribbean is in Cuba (although Cuba makes up only 2% of the region's population).
* The UN recently announced that Cuba is the only country in Latin America that has no malnutrition.
* Gas bills in Cuba average 2-4 pesos (8-16 cents) a month; electricity 5-7 pesos (20-28 cents) a month; telephone 6-8 pesos (24-32 cents) a month, the first 300 minutes being free. As you can see, all these services are subsidized by the State.
Yes, the embargo is unfortunately still on Cuba and Obama has no plans to cancel it. Its suppose to make the Cuban government deter away from a dictatorship, even though Cuba is more democratic than the US and most of the government positions are held by those who were elected.
In reality, it causes the Cuban people much suffering. Good article explaining its devastation.
According to very conservative figures, the direct harm inflicted on Cuba as a result of the embargo, until December 2008, surpasses 96 billion dollars, a figure that would reach 36 thousand 221 million dollars, if the calculation were to be made using todayâs value of the US dollar. It is not difficult to imagine the progress Cuba would have been able to achieve and how much progress has been denied it if it hadnât been for these 50 years of being submitted to this brutal economic war.
Cubans only recently gained the right to purchase computers. And in new 2010 they will be able to buy toasters. !?!!? Purchasing of electric devices is restricted because of their limited power suply.
This numbers are crap. Have you been there? Poor kids everywhere... Doctors only for wealthy people... they have no freedom... can't leave the island, can't surf the web, they only consume propaganda... Definetly not heaven.
Poor kids everywhere... Doctors only for wealthy people... they have no freedom... can't leave the island, can't surf the web, they only consume propaganda...
Do you have proof of that as in articles, pictures etc? If so, plz link. It is true that a lot of suffering is caused by embargo... which exists because of the American Empire's paranoia towards Socialism. It is also true that Cuba suffers much less from civil unrest than other latin american countries.